When All Is Said And Done

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"And now, please join me in welcoming our newlyweds!" The DJ announced with a smile, the crowd cheering as Keith and Lance walked in, smiles on their faces and their hands clasped with one another. "And now, our newlyweds will set the night off with their first dance."

"May I have his dance?" Lance asked with a smile, bowing in front of Keith.

"You're so sappy," Keith said with a roll of his eyes.

"Humour me," Lance protested with a smile. The music began and Keith let out a soft chuckle.


"I was a quick wet boy

Diving too deep for coins

All of your street light eyes

Wide on my plastic toys"

"So, how does it feel? Now that we're married," Lance asked as they danced.

"Funny enough, it feels...." Keith trailed off trying to find the right words.

"Complete?" Lance finished.

"Yeah," Keith said softly.

"Then when the cops closed the fair

I cut my long baby hair

Stole me a dog-eared map

And called for you everywhere"

"So, whose last name are we giving the girls now that we're married?" Lance asked. "I mean, they've had your last name for the longest time and you've taken my last name now."

"Who says we have to choose one?" Keith asked. "Why not give them both? They can be Camilla and Marina McClain-Kogane."

"I like that idea," Lance replied with a chuckle, sparing a glance to their girls who were watching them dance with huge smiles on their faces.

"Have I found you? Flightless bird

Jealous, weeping

Or lost you? American mouth

Big pill looming"

"I've forgiven myself," Lance said.

"What?" Keith asked.

"I've forgiven myself," Lance repeated. "For all that happened, me breaking it off, leaving you to be a single parent. It took me a while, but I think I finally forgave myself for everything."

"I'm glad," Keith said with a smile. "You were just doing what you thought was right at that moment. But we're here now and you need to move past it."

"I have," Lance replied with a nod. "Thanks to you."

"Now I'm a fat house cat

Nursing my sore blunt tongue

Watching the warm poison rats

Curl through the wide fence cracks"

"So, who do you think is the next to get married?" Keith asked.

"Oh, definitely Veronica and Acxa," Lance said with a smile.

"What makes you say that?" Keith asked.

"I helped Acxa pick out a ring last weekend," Lance said with a smirk, glancing at Veronica and Acxa who were sitting close together, Acxa's arm wrapped around Veronica's waist with a soft smile.

"Pissing on magazine photos

Those fishing lures

Thrown in the cold and clean

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