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"Daddy!" a voice called out snapping Keith out of his thoughts. He glanced down to where a tug on his jeans was happening. He smiled softly seeing Camilla staring up at him with an annoyed look on her face.

"What is it love?" Keith asked kneeling down to his daughter's height.

"Can you put Tangled on?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.

"No! Put Cinderella on!" Marina yelled as she ran in, holding the Cinderella DVD case in her arms. This of course, caused the two to get into an argument about which movie to watch.

"How about this," Keith called out turning their attention back to him. "How about we flip a coin and if it lands on heads Tangled gets put on first and if it lands on tails Cinderella gets put on?" The girls nodded and Keith dug around in the junk drawer until he found a coin.

"Can I do it daddy?"

"I wanna do it!"

"How about you both do it?" Keith asked placing both girls palms on top of each other and then placing the coin on top. "Ready?" The girls nodded and tossed their hands up in the air and letting it land back on their hands.

"Tails!" one of the girls cheered with a smile and handing the DVD over to Keith.

"Don't worry Cami, you'll still get to watch Tangled," Keith said with a soft smile seeing the pout on her face. This seemed to cheer her up and she followed her sister and her father into the living room where Keith got the DVD set up. Once the girls were situated, Keith went back into the studio room where he had been setting some pictures on the walls before he got distracted.

His eyes caught the picture of the twins on the day they were born. Both had grown so much since then.

'I mean, they're almost four for heaven's sake' Keith thought with a smile.

Keith was brought out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing. He quickly pulled it out of his jean pocket and pressed it against his ear.

"Hey Veronica, what's up?" Keith asked as he answered the phone.

"Not much, just had a chat with Nat and her friend asked her about doing a concert, and she brought up your name. Thought I would warn you beforehand."

"A concert? Where?"

"Somewhere you're familiar with," Veronica said which made Keith freeze. She wasn't talking about- "A little place called Cranston."

"What's the concert for?" Keith asked turning his head as he heard the front door open and Shiro's voice call out, followed by Adam's. Keith let out a soft sigh of relief and smiled hearing the twins rush to the door.

"It's to raise money for the local children's hospital, Nat figured since you lived there and everyone knows your name that it would bring in money for the hospital."

"Yeah that sounds like Nat," Keith responded with a sigh. "I'll have to-"

"Nat and her friend already arranged everything for you, work wise."

"Of course she did."

"I can tell you want to think about this," Veronica said, Keith almost seeing the smile on her face. "I told Nat to give you some space to think about it, I know that place has a lot of memories for you."

"Thanks Veronica," Keith said standing up from the leather couch. "I'll let you know."

"Perfect, okay I have to go, my daughter needs help with a school project."

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