Blast From The Past

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It had been a few days since Keith had returned back to Millcreek with the girls. He'd never been so happy to be home, after his run in with Lance at the park, he wanted to get the hell out of Cranston. Krolia and Kolivan had stayed down at Shiro and Adam's place to spend a few more days with them, they tried convincing Keith to stay a few more days but Keith refused. They didn't push it more, especially after Shiro and Adam told them what had happened at the park.

"Daddy?" Keith was pulled from his thoughts when Marina called his name. Currently, the girls were in the bathroom brushing their teeth before bed, Keith leaning against the doorway making sure they were actually brushing their teeth, he didn't want them to get cavities after all.

"What is it pumpkin? Did you finish brushing your teeth?" Keith asked kneeling down in front of Marina.

"What are we doing for our birthday?" Marina asked, handing Keith the brush and turned around so he could brush her hair.

"Well, what did you girls wanna do for your birthday this year?" Keith asked, turning to face Camilla as she placed her toothbrush back in its place and stepped off the step stool.

"I want a bouncy castle!" Marina cheered with a smile.

"Bouncy castles are fun," Keith agreed with a nod as he tied Marina's hair in a ponytail with a band around his wrist. "What about you Cami? What were you thinking?"

"Can we have a princess? I heard a girl at the park say she said Snow White at her party," Camilla asked.

"A princess huh? And would you want Snow White to?" Keith asked as he handed the brush back to Marina and stood up.

"No way!" Camilla exclaimed with a shake of her head. "Snow White is boring! And her voice is annoying."

"Don't let uncle Shiro hear you say that," Keith said with a chuckle as he led the girls out of the bathroom and down the hall to Camilla's bedroom. "She's his favourite."

Keith remembered the one time his mother took him and Shiro to Disney Land for Shiro's birthday. He wouldn't stop staring at Snow White and acted so shy around her whenever she talked to him. Yet, it took forever to pull him away from her when their time was up.

"Okay, if you don't want Snow White, then who do you want?" Keith asked as Camilla climbed into her bed, Marina snuggling in beside her. Though, he had a feeling who, the recent princess they've both been obsessed with was-

"Aurora!" the twins exclaimed at the same time. Keith rolled his eyes with a chuckle, yep, just as he thought.

"I thought that's what you both would say," Keith said with a smile.

"So can we?" they asked.

"I'll think about it, you're birthday isn't for another week," Keith said as he pulled out the book the twins wanted him to read tonight. "Now. Once upon a time..."


Ten minutes later, Keith finished the story and set it down on the bedside table.

"Alright, time for bed you two," Keith said as he stood up from the bed and put the book back on the bookshelf. The twins shared a groan before they burst out laughing. "Come on Marina," Keith said turning back to the twins, holding his hand out for Marina to take. "Say goodnight to Cami."

"Goodnight Cami," Marina said with a yawn, rubbing her eyes, her bunny in her other hand.

"Goodnight Rina," Camilla called back with a yawn.

"I'll be back in a minute," Keith said as Marina took his hand and followed him out of Camilla's room and to her own bedroom. Marina climbed into her bed and Keith tucked her in, kissing her forehead before shutting her lamp off beside her bed. "Goodnight Rina."

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