Nearly an hour had passed since the two of them returned to their dorm rooms. The feeling for both of them was still on the awkward side in knowing they were both about to go out to eat together alone. However, at the same time, they both felt more accepting that it was really happening. Neither of them knew much about proper dating, and yet even both of them knew that they should dress themselves up at least a little bit.
Ochako may not have the same wardrobe budget as Yaoyorozu or a quirk that could make a new outfit whenever she wanted, but she figured she could get away with wearing her nicest yellow blouse that she likes to use for shopping when she's in town accompanied with a pair of black skinny jeans. She then proceeded to put on just a little more makeup than usual.
She usually likes to go for a more natural look, but something in her just wanted to look as nice as possible. As for Izuku, he didn't have any nice shirts for a date, but since it was going to be a nice crispy cool air flow outside, he figured he could get away with just wearing a coat the whole way, throw on some nice pants, and call it good.
As he began walking downstairs, several of the other guys were in the lobby hanging out either watching television or sitting at the couch chatting. Kirishima was the first to notice him about to head out the door. It's not like Izuku to look that nice for a Saturday night so he couldn't help but inquire what the occasion was.
"Hey bro, you sure are looking spiffy tonight! Where you off to?" Midoriya panicked because he was too embarrassed to say what he was going out for. "U-Um, well you see, um, I just wanted to..." Mineta interjects: "He's about to sneak out to a strip club!! Why would anybody dress up that nice other than for that?!" "What?! I'm not like that Mineta!!" Suddenly Ojiro whacks Mineta with his tail knocking him down to the ground face first. "Seriously, you really need to cut it out with the pervert act!" He said and walked back over to the television.
Izuku figured they were going to find out sooner or later so he figured he might as well say, even though it's embarrassing to him. "Look, the truth is, Uraraka-san and I have been training a lot together recently and we figured we might as well go out to get something to eat together." "Alright!! So manly bro! I had a feeling you two were starting to get close!" said Kirishima.
"Huh? Is it really that obvious to everyone??" "Well yeah, you two have spent a lot of time together ever since our classes formed and you both blush a lot around each other!" Responded Kirishima. Kaminari chimes in too: "I'm probably one of the dumbest guys in the class and even I can tell dude!" Midoriya starts to look red in the face again at realizing everyone has noticed the interactions they've had with each other except the two of them.
"Wow, I must be even more clueless about girls and dating life than I thought! I guess this is the part where everyone starts teasing me right?" Each of the other guys look surprised at that last part. "Common bro! Why would we do that? We think it's awesome you and Ochako are spending the evening together!" Said Kirishima reassuringly. Aoyama suddenly adds two cents of his own. "I could tell since the practical exam when I worked with her that she has a thing for you." He says winking. "Now I see the same look in your eyes too, mon ami!"
Deku is shocked. Aoyama isn't the type to just randomly say stuff like that unless it's the truth. "Ah man, if that's true, I don't even know how I'm going to get through the night without messing it up!! This whole thing is so new to me!" Todoroki suddenly walks in having heard the conversation: "It's just a date. What is there to worry about? I've been on a couple dates with Yaoyorozu the past couple months and we both enjoyed it. You can too. I'm about to have another tonight myself." "Woah! You two are a couple?! I can't believe it!" Shoto replies: "Enough about me. Just stop worrying and have a fun time." "Oh, um, ok. Well, see you guys later! And thanks!" He says running out the door.

IzuOcha: Love is the Answer
Roman d'amourThrough a series of events, Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka both realize they have feelings for each other and start dating. Their relationship starts off great at first, but a slew of trials put their feelings to the test, while a looming threat...