Chapter Sixteen: The Symbol of Peace

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Gigantomachia for the moment was almost out cold from that attack. Izuku and Ochako nearly broke down and cried. It was more than just a sight for sore eyes, it was as if a miracle literally unfolded before them. What's more, they noticed moments later that Lemillion and Eri were about one hundred feet away as well.

"All Might!! I can't believe it's really you!! But how is this possible?! I thought your fight with All For One forced you into retirement!"

"It did young Midoriya! I can hardly believe that I'm able to stand here and fight again myself! The only reason why is that young Eri has trained tirelessly the last several weeks and started to better control her powers. As a result, she helped Lemillion get his powers restored to him, and I to an extent got mine back too! I still have to use the dying flame of One For All like before, but it's better than nothing!"

Suddenly Eri ran over to Midoriya and Uraraka. "Deku! What happened to you!? I need to help you!"

"Eri-chan! I'm glad to see you! But it's dangerous here! You need to evacuate!" "No way! I need to help the people I care about most! I helped Mirio-chan and I helped All Might, now I need to help you get back on your feet with what power I have left! Besides, that's why Mirio-chan is with me!"

Lemillion then walked closer himself. "Hey Deku! You look like you've seen better days! Let's get you patched up buddy!"

"Ochako-chan, please stand back! I still haven't mastered my quirk yet and it might do something to you too!" 

She nods and lets her start healing Deku. Within about five seconds he's back to full strength and she runs away before he's rewound any further. 

"Sorry! I still have to work on controlling it better! But at least you can fight again!" 

"Thanks so much Eri-chan! I'll say it again, your power truly is a blessing!" Eri smiles and a tear starts forming in her eye.

The moment is cut short, however. Gigantomachia starts to get up and is a combination of angry and scared. Deku and Uraraka want to help and were about to offer it but All Might refuses. 

"Young Midoriya, you and young Uraraka have become quite strong, but it's best if you focus on evacuating civilians and our injured allies with Lemillion and young Eri. I've beaten him before and I'll do it again now!"

The four of them nod at his order and they run off to find their classmates to assist them. Meanwhile, Gigantomachia starts talking. 

"All Might!! What are you doing here!? I won't let you get in the way of my master's plans again!!"

"Gigantomachia! We meet again! I see you're up to your same shenanigans as before! You were one of my biggest obstacles to stopping All For One and I'm going to make sure you won't be able to help him with his agenda anymore!"

All Might charges at him and powers up another attack. "TEXAAAASSSS SMAAASSSHH!!" Gigantomachia moves out of the way in the nick of time but All Might counters with another attack.

"Time to take a page from my student! 100% shoot style!!" 

He kicks him in the face and knocks him back, but Gigantomachia returns five seconds later. He takes both of his fists and hits All Might as hard as he can. For nearly a minute, he pummels him and then makes a punch that directly hits his weak spot from years ago. Gigantomachia doesn't give him time to recover and hits him with both fists again in the head to knock him down. 

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