Chapter Nine: The Christmas Party

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Ok, one more chapter I wanted to re-write imagining what it would be like if IzuOcha was a thing by then. However, I also wanted to have a certain guest reveal a surprise to Deku to keep in mind for later in the story. Then I'll have some totally new material most of the rest of the way! Thanks for sticking with my story thus far!

One day later after the media training day, class 1-A had its Christmas party. It was an occasion that both Deku and Uraraka looked forward to and dreaded at the same time. The food, festivity, music, and games would be quite an event to enjoy, but now that their secret was out that the two of them were dating, they couldn't help but think it would be a time that class mates would scheme to set them up for public romantic moments, especially from Mina Ashido.

So far, however, nothing has happened yet. Each of them are having fun and chatting away about all kinds of things, from their internships, to their plans for Christmas, to what's going on with one another.

Koda brought in a reindeer that he could communicate with to have stand there if anyone wanted to take a picture with a real one.

Jiro and Kaminari were caroling with a stereo and microphone in the corner, also no longer hiding their relationship and holding hands as they sang. They figured if Deku and Uraraka could spill the beans, they might as well too!

Sato put down a fresh plate of peppermint cookies for everyone to enjoy and was gobbled up by various people within a minute or less.

Mineta stood under the nearest mistletoe hoping that someone would oblige him with a kiss, only to be ignored and started crying more tears of frustration, and Iida was busy trying to get everyone to form a more orderly single file line for the food table.

The rest of Class 1-A was either sitting or standing and conversing with someone, when suddenly Yaoyorozu went to the front of the room to get everyone's attention.

"Hey everybody! What do you say we play twenty questions? Everyone's name is entered into this bucket and is totally random! But this will be a get to know you style game with open ended questions. Any takers?"

"Sure!" "Yes!" "Absolutely!" said almost everyone right after.

"Great! I'm going to draw the first name right now! Let's see...Mineta..." says Momo while rolling her eyes.

His ears perk up hoping that his night would improve with the spotlight on him now, but would soon be disappointed. Every question asked to him had nothing to do with scantily clad girls or dirty magazines and yet every answer he gave had something to do with those things. After the fifth question Tsuyu smacked him with her tongue again and knocked him down to the floor.

"Seriously Mineta-chan, if you want to get girls so bad, you should at least change your tactics." She said in some rare friendly advice. The class all agreed to move on to someone else.

Momo then started trying to pull out a new name.

"Next name is...Bakugo!"

"Don't waste your damned time!! These kinds of activities piss me off!!" He says angrily.

"Shocking!" says Kirishima sarcasticly.

"Shut up!! I'll murder you!!" responds Bakugo but only makes him laugh more.

Momo then started trying to pull out a new name. "Okay, let's see...Midoriya-san!" Izuku became blue in the face. He knew that everyone was going to ask him something related to yesterday when he admitted he and Ochako were now dating. Uraraka was a little nervous too, but thought Oh well, let the chips fall where they may.

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