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"Hello, Trickster!" I greeted earning a glare from him which I must say was kind of intimidating.

I placed the food tray beside him and took the key card from my pocket, his eyes following my every move. Taking the metal card, I placed the object in front of Loki's muzzle which emitted a beep and a green light before detaching itself from Loki's face.

He let out a deep breath and for a second I felt bad by his mode of suffocation, but I can't say anything since the guy bought it to himself, unintentionally.

"For what do I owe the pleasure?", he inquired sarcastically as I unlocked his cuffs without looking at him.

"Just eat", I muttered as I placed the tray onto his hands before sitting on the seat opposite of him with my hands folded across my chest.

He gazed at me than at the food before carefully sniffing it. He made a disgusted face and his nose flared with anger as he glared at me.

"Are you trying to poison me with this revolting food you pathetic mortal!!" He shouted before throwing the food on the floor beside my feet. 'This man could be the king of divas if he wanted to be'

I groaned, getting tired of his actions, and glared at him. "You might be a God but don't waste food, there are people in this world who don't have any", I began with a cold yet calm voice.

He scoffed before standing up with a smirk and was about to step on the food but Loki's face twisted into confusion when his feet stayed right above the food, not allowing him to set it down. His head snapped towards me with a scowl.

I smirked, not moving an inch from my previous position. 'Two can play this game'. I moved my eyes towards the thrown food and used my powers to reverse the throw. It floated before piecing back together and returned to the seat, looking good as new. I let Loki set his feet back down without alerting him which resulted in a slight bit of a wobbly balance.

"I could do this all day." I sang with a smirk which I'm sure made him want to strangle me to death. We glared at each other for a few minutes before he growled at me and sat back down. 'One point for me and zero for golden horns'

"I'm not eating that!", he muttered like a stubborn ten-year-old boy and I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. 'I am on the edge of my tolerance'

"Loki, you won't know unless you try it and there is nothing else on the menu for his highness to eat... so suck it up damn it!" I snapped.

"Mind you woman!!, you're talking to a God!" Loki spat with a clenched jaw. "Just shut up and eat!" I grumbled getting sick of the god.

He turned his head away, not planning to move an inch to eat the food. I didn't even know what Thor was thinking when he said I could contain him, I am an inch close to shoving my spear down his throat. I knew the movie Loki was sassy and arrogant but the real-life Loki made the other one seem like dust, this guy was on another level of disrespectfulness and arrogancy. I can't believe that this was the sweetest person in my world.

"I don't know why your brother thought that bringing you the food was a good idea," I grumbled. "He is not my brother!!", he yelled with anger making me slightly flinch but shrugged it off before I rolled my eyes as knowing exactly where this was going. 

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