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"That looks..." Tony trailed off while looking at the Portal that was slowly opening.

"Whoa", Jungkook gaped at the Portal still not believing all of this shit was real.

" Not quite the word I was looking for but okay", Tony said as he flew off with Jungkook towards the opening of the portal which started spitting out a ton of Chitauris.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said these things looked ugly" Tony grumbled as he started to blast off a bunch of aliens.

Jungkook flew beside him and slashed the Chituris one by one with his sword. His swings were so graceful, it almost looked like he was dancing.

"Tony, you seeing this?", Captain America's sound rang out into the comms making Jungkook starstruck yet again.

"Seeing? still working on believing" Tony answered.

"Is that Captain America?" Jungkook asked with excitement.

"Tony who is that?", asked Captain in confusion and a little suspicion making Tony almost roll his eyes at his defensive behavior.

"Yeah, long story short. We have few last-minute additions to the group" Tony explained as he blasted an Alien in the head.

"You're unbelievable Tony", Natasha Romanoff muttered panting.

" Of course I am", Tony sassed.

"Don't make me regret this kids" Tony said in a serious tone to Jungkook who gave a stern nod.

"The others should be joining in soon," Jungkook said as he worked his way through the Chituari.

"Well then they better make it fast, the Tesseract's growing stronger every minute". You spoke into the comms.

"I suppose, you're one of the additions", Clint said, him releasing arrows and hitting dead on the target in the process.

"Sure am sir", You greeted

"Where were you. I was starting to get worried." Jungkook asked who sliced an alien in the gut making him cringe.

"Knocking some sense into Dr. Selvig" You replied.

"Selvig??, he's out of the thing's control?" Natasha asked in surprise.

"Yup!, he's trying to shut the portal which is impossible now with the power it holds." You explained.

Reader's Pov

I knew Jungkook had Tony's back and that the others needed the most help, so I made my way towards the ground team.

I could see Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, all fighting the aliens. I guessed that Thor went to his brother.

I flew down and stood beside Natasha who was professionally handling a bunch of the creeps but noticed that they were outnumbering her. I used my powers to blast the lot that was near. She seemed startled, her first reaction to using her knife on me. But thanks to my super senses I managed to wield my golden spear to block her blow making her eyes widen.

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