Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

We are Located in a military academy, and we see a 14 year-old boy with white hair who was wearing a black military uniform with black fingerless gloves and black boots.

We are Located in a military academy, and we see a 14 year-old boy with white hair who was wearing a black military uniform with black fingerless gloves and black boots

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As you can see on his uniform he has many badge, implying that he is a Captain.

As you can see on his uniform he has many badge, implying that he is a Captain

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And then he notice our presence and then decided to say hello.

???: Hi how are you? Hope you doing great, you may be wondering who i am? Well my name is Lincoln Loud, the captain of a military squad called the "Black Ops", and you may asked why is my squad called like that? Well its because our uniforms are black obviously and this is the second highest Rank here in the academy.

Lincoln: and you may be asking, "Lincoln, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home or something like that?" Well I'll tell you something (he said becoming more serious) i was here because i ran away from home because i was called by my idiotic Table sister "Bad Luck" how stupid right? That's why i called her the idiotic Table haha, well I'll continue, during that time i was forced to wear a stupid squirrel suit like they say "to stopped my bad luck to spread" (he said the last part in quotes) and thats not the only worse thing has happened to me, all of my friends including Clyde, my best friend, my brother from another mother betrayed me (he said with some anger) even my girlfriend or rather ex-girlfriend Ronalda or Ronnie Anne for we would like to call her, but Luckily (fuck i hate that word) they are four people who didn't mistreat me and it's mom, dad and Lily, because mom and dad don't believed that stupidity and Lily it's obvious that she is a baby, and Finally the last one is my ... (he started to blush) my friend Daiku my only friend and love interest, and you may asked "is she a girl?" Well no, he's a boy.

Lincoln: i know, i know it's surprising, but you don't know my sexuality yet and it's bisexual.... I'm bisexual i like girls and also boys even the owner of this story is bisexual right? (He asked looking at the owner)

Me: hey! Can't you shut your mouth, i told not to say it (i said annoyed)

Lincoln: what's wrong with it? It's normal to fall in love, nobody can stop you.

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