Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The same day

We are Located at the street of Royal Woods and we see Lincoln and his friend and now boyfriend Daiku, they were walking through the streets and Daiku was hugging Lincoln's arm while leaning his head on Lincoln's shoulder and carrying Lincoln's backpack and Lincoln was holding his suitcase with his other arm.

Daiku: So you were at a military academy for 3 years? (He asked surprised)

Lincoln: Yup, i have nowhere to go so i decided to go to a military academy far from here, so that my sisters won't find me.

Daiku: And I'm sure that you have those hard abs huh (he said with a flirtatious tone while touching Lincoln's stomach)

Lincoln: (he blushes a lot when he felt Daiku's hand through his stomach) W-well hehe I've b-been exercising while i-i was there hehe (he said nervously with a big blush)

Daiku: I'm very sure of it, but (he said getting a little serious) aren't you guilty for leaving your parents and Lily and me? (He said sadly)

Lincoln: of course I'm guilty, it's just that i can't stand my the stupid Bad Luck anymore (he said and then sighs)

Daiku: Hey (he said and then gives Lincoln a kiss on the cheek) don't worry, it's been 3 years since that happened, I'm sure they are all guilty for what they have done to you (he said while hugging Lincoln's arm affectionately)

Lincoln: i doubt it (he said in a low voice for which Daiku didn't hear)

At the Loud House

Let's leave the couple for a while and let's focus on the Loud family who was preparing the last decorations for Lincoln's welcome party.

Rita: (Looking at the clock that was hanging on the wall) Well it's already 2:00 he should here at any moment so everyone to your places!

After that everyone began to hide to surprise their Brother.

Back with the couple

We see Lincoln and Daiku in front of the yard of Lincoln's house, Lincoln was looking around and see that nothing had changed it was still the same, all the toys scattered around the yard, the tire swing that was hanging on the tree and the dog house where he used to sleep during those times of Bad Luck.

Lincoln: I-i can't do this (he said as he plan to leave)

Daiku noticed this and quickly grabbed him by the arm and said.

Daiku: Lincoln, you can do this, I'll be with you, I'm sure your parents and Lily will be very happy to see you (he said with a reassuring smile)

Lincoln: (he looks at Daiku's smile and he managed to clam down a little) Okay let's go (he said holding Daiku's hand)

And that they both approached the door and Lincoln's nervousness was returning but he controlled himself and releasing a sigh.

After walking both were in front of the door, they just strayed there for about a minute until Lincoln decided to knock on the door.

After waiting for about 30 seconds the door opens revealing a girl with Blond hair at the age of 4 years old wearing a light purple vest black T-shirt underneath, purple skirt, purple socks and black shoes.

When the girl saw Daiku she immediately greeted him forgetting Lincoln is their.

???: Hi Daiku! What brings you here? (She said and then looks at Lincoln) who is he? Is he your friend?

Daiku: hehe no, He is not my friend, his my boyfriend Lincoln Loud (he said finally told Lincoln's name)

When Lily heard the name she immediately look at Lincoln who was smiling nervously, she immediately recognized him since her parents always tell stories about him, about his white hair, about his liking and about 1 minute of awkward silence Lincoln decided to break it.

When Lily heard the name she immediately look at Lincoln who was smiling nervously, she immediately recognized him since her parents always tell stories about him, about his white hair, about his liking and about 1 minute of awkward silence Lincol...

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Lincoln: Hehe hi Lily, it's been so long it's good to see yo ......

He was interrupted because Lily ran towards him and pounce on him hugging while crying with happiness.

Lily: It's you *snif* it's really you *snif* I'm really happy to finally meet and see you Big Brother!! (She said crying with happiness while hugging Lincoln tighter)


Me: I'm sorry if the chapter is short, I'll try to make it longer for the next one!

Lily: We hope you liked it!

Me: And without more to say...



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To Be Continued.

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