Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

2 days later

It was already two days since the "Welcome home" party for Lincoln and everyone was having a good time except for Lynn since she was now scared of Lincoln and she stayed inside her room the whole day.


It is already a sunday morning and we see Lincoln waking up starting the day.

Lincoln: *yawns* Oh hi everyone (he said talking to the readers) it's been a few days since i last talk to you, and you may be wondering what happened since i returned home. Well, since i returned home all of my sisters except Lynn began to treat me affectionately hehe even Lori the bossiest of all, then mom and dad decided to make the attic my new room and the girls didn't complained or anything they just agreed, and what about my relationship with Daiku? Well, it's going great we've been having dates for the past few days straight since i have to make lost times with him and man, Daiku was so affectionate and i liked it hehe, well that's all i have to say bye everyone (he said and went to his closet and took out a towel)

And that he leaves his room and went to the bathroom and noticed that nobody was in line yet, so, he took the opportunity to use the bathroom.

5 minutes later

We can see all of the Loud Sisters are already in line for the bathroom, they were already inpatient for whoever was in the bathroom.

Lola: Whoever is in the bathroom! Can you hurry up already! We also need it! (She said knocking on the door loudly)

Luna: Just relax Lola.

Lola: Relax? It's already been 5 minutes whoever is in their!

Lori: Oh come on Lola, Literally Leni is the one who uses the bathroom the longest (she said while she was leaning against the wall)

Lola: But if yo .........

She didn't finished her sentence because she was interrupted by the bathroom door opening revealing Lincoln who was standing there, he has a towel on his waist and another one on his shoulders and his hair was messy.

Lincoln: Sorry for the wait girls, i was just enjoying myself (he said while he was drying his hair)

All of the Loud Sisters saw him and blushed widely because they were looking at his body revealing his very well toned body and adding the scars making it look more attractive.

All of the Loud Sisters saw him and blushed widely because they were looking at his body revealing his very well toned body and adding the scars making it look more attractive

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(Imagine him with a towel)

Lincoln noticed the looks of his sisters and got confused.

Lincoln: Uh ..... Girls? Why the looks? (He asked confused)

All of them are still in a trance, still admiring Lincoln's body and Luna said something unconsciously.

Luna: Uh nice body bro .... (She said still looking at Lincoln's body drooling a bit like the others)

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