Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Lincoln's "pleasant" award

The same day

We see Lincoln went to the exit of the cafeteria and went after Daiku.

After a minute, he saw Daiku entering the boys bathroom.

And Lincoln without wasting time quickly follows Daiku inside.

Boys Bathroom

We are now inside the bathroom, when Lincoln entered and he saw that Daiku was leaning against the sinks.

When Daiku saw Lincoln, he stands up straight and walk towards Lincoln in a flirtatious way.

Then suddenly he took Lincoln by the collar of his shirt and puts him against the wall from the corner and looks at him with lust.

Daiku: Shall we continue what we started? (He asked flirtatiously and putting his hand on Lincoln's crotch again)

Lincoln: I would love to (He said flirtatiously and grabs Daiku's butt squeezing them a little)

When Daiku felt that, he let out a little moan and started caressing Lincoln's crotch again making Lincoln moan.

Then the two gave each other a passionate kiss with a little bit of lust and feeling each other's tongue.

Then they seperated leaving a thread of saliva, there was a minute of silence until Daiku breaks it.

Daiku: Are you ready? (He asked flirtatiously and he slowly knelt down as he unbuckle Lincoln's belt and unbutton his pants)

Lincoln: Yeah ... (He said as he watches Daiku doing his thing)

Daiku was finished unbuckling Lincoln's belt and pants, he pulls them down slowly because he wants Lincoln to enjoy this as much as possible.

When Daiku finishes, he saw Lincoln's boxers, it was a black with red strips and he saw that it has a huge bulge.

He looks at Lincoln who looks away with shame.

Daiku: It looks like someone wants to get some fresh air ... (He said as he grabbed the bulge making Lincoln's member a little more visible)

Lincoln let out a moan when he felt Daiku grab his member.

Then Daiku let's go of the bulge and continues to go further, then he grab Lincoln's boxer and lowers it slowly, and when it does he saw Lincoln's member that swayed from left to right when it was released.

Daiku was surprised to see Lincoln's member, it was big and hard .... Very hard, you can almost say hard as a rock, it was long, it is longer than a holder of a fry pan.

Daiku: Wow, it's so big (He praised Lincoln by the size of his member)

Lincoln: Hehe, thanks (He said with shame and blushing)

Then Daiku gently grabs Lincoln's member giving it a little squeeze.

Lincoln: Ahh ... (He moaned when he felt Daiku's warm hand)

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