Chapter 13

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The Date (1/2)


The days past normally for Lincoln, It is already Saturday at Royal Woods, now we are at the Loud House, the Loud family are having lunch while talking to each other with unimportant topics until the father of the house started to ask the typical question.

Lynn Sr: So children ... What are you all going to do today?

Lori: I will go to the mall with my friends (She said as she took a bite of her sandwich)

Leni: Ohh! I will be making some dresses!

Luna: Well, I'll be going to Sam's house along with my band to practice.

Luan: I'll be staying for a while, i need a break from comedy.

Lynn: Well, we have no practice today, so I'll stay at home to watch something good on TV (She said while drinking her juice)

Lucy: Well, i don't have the energy to write some poems so .... I'll just join Lynn to watch TV (She said with her typical tone)

Lola: I'm the same with Luan, i need a break, i love beauty contests but it's not bad to stopped it for a while.

Lana: I'll just check if vanzilla if it has something wrong with the engine.

Lisa: I will play with Lily for a while, i also need a break from science (She said and looks at Lily) do you want to play later?

Lili: Sure! No problem I'm starting to get bored of drawing everyday hehe.

Rita: (She looks at them with a smile and then she looks at her only son) And what about you, Honey? Do you have any plans today?

Lincoln: (Swallows a piece of pancake) Well, hehe i have a date with Dai (He said with a smile)

When the Loud Sisters heard that, they began to scream with excitement, even Lynn herself, then suddenly they dragged him to Lori and Leni's room leaving the parents alone in the dining room.

Lynn: Well .... At least some of them will have something to do hehe.

Lori and Leni's room

We now see inside Lori and Leni's room and he was being surrounded by his sisters.

Lincoln: Hey! I was still eating my lunch! (He said to his sisters with annoyance)

Lori: Forget that! We literally need you to be ready for your date with you're boyfriend! (She said excitedly)

Lincoln: But, some of you said that they have plans today? (He said confused)

Luna: Yeah but, this is more important! We can do our activities tomorrow!

Leni: I will be making the perfect outfit for that! (She said and went to her sewing machine)

Lana: Do you need a car? I can check Vanzilla for your date (She said as she was about to leave the room)

Lincoln: Don't worry Lana, it's okay besides i have a car (He said smiling)

When all the sisters heard what Lincoln said, they were all very surprised even making Leni stopped sewing and Lola and Luan fixing his hair.

Lynn: You have a car! (She said surprised)

Lincoln: Well yes hehe ...

Luna: Where did you get the money for it?!

Lincoln: Uhh girls, i work at a military academy, i earn 50,000 dollars a month .... Well it will be 45 this month since i did something that is not worth mentioning (He said the last part with a force smile)

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