Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Second chance

The same day

We are located at Royal Woods and we see Lincoln who was still on the ground being hugged by Lily who was still crying in happiness while Daiku was watching the beautiful Sister and brother moment with a smile.

Lincoln: Hehe i miss you too Lily (he said as he lifted Lily into his arms) look at you, your so big now (he said as he poke Lily's nose making her laugh) Hey Dai (he said calling his boyfriend who looks at him) do you think you can stay for a while?

Daiku: Sure Linky i don't mind (he said smiling at his boyfriend)

Lily: Linky? (She said looking at Daiku and then at Lincoln) why did he call you that?

Lincoln: Well that's because .... (He said and grabbed Daiku's hand smiling at each other and then looks at Lily) Because we are dating (he said with a smile)

Lily: (she was surprised to hear that and got excited) Woah Really?! Since when?! but if you two are boys then who will do the "thing" and who will be .....

She couldn't continue because Lincoln quickly covered her mouth.

Lincoln: B-but Lily! Who t-told you that? (He said very blushing from what he just heard)

Daiku: ....... (He just kep quiet and began to think unholy things with his boyfriend, just thinking about it making him blush widely)

Lily: i don't, i just heard it when mom and dad are talking about it with Lynn (she said innocently)

Lincoln: (when he heard that name he couldn't help but get angry but he controlled himself) hehe well okay, shall we go inside? (He asked Lily and Daiku who was still imagining) um ... Dai are you good? you look very red (he said worried)

Daiku: (he come out of his trance when he heard Lincoln) um y-yes Linky I'm fine (he said with a nervous smile)

After that the three proceeded to enter the house and Lincoln noticed that the lights are off.

Lincoln: Hey Lily, why are the lights are of .....

He didn't finished because the lights turned on and everyone inside shouted.

All except Lynn: Surprise!!!!!

When Lincoln saw that sudden greeting, even though he was a tough and brave soldier at Bloodline military academy he can still get scared quickly, after that he fainted due to the sudden surprised.

All: Lincoln!!

Leni: Why did Lincoln fall asleep? Is it bed time already? (She said as she put a finger on her chin making a thoughtful pose)

While Leni was still thinking for an answer the parents got closer to Lincoln to look at him better.

Rita: Look Lynn even though he was at a military academy he's still the same boy who was scared by sudden surprises (she said looking at Lincoln who was still unconscious)

Lynn Sr: My champ didn't change.

And that the parents took Lincoln and lay him down on the sofa.

While he was lying down all the sisters looks at him.

Lori: Wow he literally looks very different (she said as she looks at Lincoln carefully)

Leni: Look at his scar between his left eye it looks cool!

Luna: Bruh, he looks so tall i think he is almost at Lori's height.

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