Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Back to school


Now a new day starts at Royal Woods, and we know what that means .....

Yes! It's time to go back to school, and hell many will miss the semester break they had, before we are just throwing our backpacks anywhere and now we are going carry it for the rest of the year.

Now we are at the Loud House and we see Lincoln who was still sleeping peacefully in his bed, and let's not forget the fact that he is drooling a bit, well it's because he was enjoying it.

But not everything last long since Lincoln's alarm went off, ending that sleeping beauty moment.

Lincoln tried to turn it off but since his night stand is a bit far he can't reach it, without any other options, he decided to get up but not before giving a sigh in annoyance for interrupting his sleep.

Lincoln: *sighs* well, i guess not everything last forever (He looks at the readers) Well, good morning, afternoon or evening to you all, well as you can see it's time to go to school, so now I'm a high school student.

Lincoln: "fuck, how i hate this" (He thought with a bit of annoyance)

Lincoln: Well it's okay, at least I'm going to the same school as Dai (He said happily) i just hope thay nobody will come to bother us or else they will deal with me (He said changing his happy tone with a cold tone) yes, as you can read, we agreed to have our relationship not in secret since we are not afraid to show our love and as i said from the first chapter, any kind of love is free (He said looking at the readers) Well that's all for now, i have to get ready for school bye everyone.

After that, he went to his closet and took out a towel and his set of clothes and leaves his room to take a shower.


We can see Lincoln leaves the bathroom with his clothes on (The one from chapter 6) then he proceeded to go downstairs and went to the dining room and saw that all of his sisters and his parents are already having breakfast.

Lincoln: Good morning mom, dad and girls (He said as he took a seat between Leni and Lana)

All: Good morning Lincoln.

Lincoln: Hey mom (He said as he drink an orange juice)

Rita: Yes Lincoln? (She asked as she looks at Lincoln while eating)

Lincoln: I just want to know, did you put me in the same class as Dai?

He said in a low voice for which his mother didn't hear.

Rita: What is it Lincoln?

Lincoln: Did you put me in the same class as Dai?

He said in a low voice again because he doesn't want his sisters to hear because, you how they are.

Rita: Um ... You have to speak louder for me to hear you honey.

And of course because of this Leni who heard what Lincoln said a few seconds ago said it suddenly.

Leni: Oh! Linky said if you put him in the same class as Dai (She said innocently)

After she said that, there was a complete silence in the dining room, literally you can only hear a random cricket out of nowhere.

Lincoln, who realized this gave himself a facepalm.

Lincoln: "Leni, why? Well here we go" (He thought as he covered his ears)

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