Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The same day

We are at Royal Woods high school and we see Lincoln and Daiku facing the person who had interrupted them.

Daiku looks at the person with annoyance because of how the person called his boyfriend and because the person interrupted them.

Lincoln, on the other hand, was very angry to see the person who was in front of him, because the years he spend during Bad Luck he/she was the most who annoyed him.

While with the person, he/she was looking at Lincoln with a mocking smile on his/her stupid face, when he/she saw Lincoln came back, he/she decided to tease him again.

There was a moment of silence, for about a minute until Lincoln decided to end this.

Lincoln: What do you want ........ Chandler.

Lincoln said with a dead tone that left Daiku and the boy named Chandler shivering from Lincoln's tone of voice.

Chandler: Well Lary, i see that you come back after 3 years, i think it will be nice of me to give you a gift (He said with a mocking tone)

Daiku: Hey! leave us alone you freak (He said very annoyed at Chandler)

Chandler looks at Daiku and thought that he was a girl because of his appearance and decided to flirt with him.

Chandler: Hey cutie, why don't you leave this loser and come with me, you will surely enjoy being with me than with this loser (He said to Daiku flirtatiously)

Daiku, when hearing what Chandler said, made a face of disgust, he went to Lincoln and hugs his arm and said.

Daiku: With you? Blah! No thank you, i prefer to be with him than with you (He said looking at Chandler with disgust)

Lincoln: Don't even dare you fucking idiot, do you think i will allow you to flirt with my boyfriend (He said as he crack his knuckles) you will have a bad .. bad day.

Chandler: Wait what?! Boyfriend?! Blah! i can't believe i just flirted with a guy ......

He was interrupted as Lincoln gave him a hard blow to the face making him fall to the ground in pain.

Lincoln: Oh what's the matter Charlie? Did i hurt you?

Chandler got up feeling pain on his face and looks at Lincoln angrily.

Chandler: This will not stay like this Lary, i will have my revenge!

He said and started running away leaving the couple alone.

Lincoln: Imbecile (He said looking at the direction where Chandler had run)

Daiku: Don't worry about him Linky, let's go to class we'll be late (He said as he take Lincoln by the hand)

And that the couple went to their classroom because classes were about to start.


We are at a classroom fill with about 30-40 students.

Many kinds like, the popular ones, the nerds, the goths, the typical bullies.

Outside the classroom

Outside the classroom where we see the Teacher talking to Daiku.

Teacher: So what is it Daiku?

Daiku: Well, you heard a new student will be joining our class right?

Teacher: Well yes, but why? Do you know him?

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