Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We are located on the road, we see a bus was heading towards Royal Woods and we see Lincoln who was looking out the window and we can see through the window the beautiful view of the outside world.

We are located on the road, we see a bus was heading towards Royal Woods and we see Lincoln who was looking out the window and we can see through the window the beautiful view of the outside world

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Lincoln: Wow, the city has been great for the last 3 years (he said admiring the view of the city)

While he was still looking out the window, the Bus driver makes his announcement.

"Hello dear passengers we are almost to Royal Woods, if you are going to stop there, please prepare your luggage. That's all thank you"

After hearing that Lincoln began to stretch since he was sitting for about 5 hours.

Lincoln: Well, i guess it's time to prepare my things (he said as he took his backpack and suitcase on the shelf of the bus)

5 minutes later

We are Located at Royal Woods and we see a bus just stopped at the entrance of Royal Woods, the door opens revealing Lincoln with his backpack and suitcase in hand.

After getting off the bus he saw the sign where he lives.

Lincoln: Hello Royal Woods, I'm back (he said as he looks at the sign)

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Lincoln: Hello Royal Woods, I'm back (he said as he looks at the sign)

Then he proceeded to enter and see many things had changed, he saw many buildings, many new houses, new people who moved.

Lincoln: (he took out his phone and checks the time) Well, it's only 12:30 i think i should go around a bit.

Then he proceeded to go to the park, it was bigger than the last time he remembered.

Lincoln: Wow, the park is bigger than i remember (he said while looking around the park)

But while he was looking around, suddenly he heard a scream.

???: Please someone help me!!

When Lincoln heard that scream he immediately went to the voice, upon arriving he saw two guys who were older than him about 2 years older and they were somewhat big and he immediately knew who they are.

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