Chapter 2

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The news

The same day

let's go to Michigan specifically at Royal Woods, but we will focus on a large house where a large family total of 12 people they are known as the Loudest Family in Royal Woods we are talking about the Louds we can see the parents of the louds there are Lynn Sr. And Rita and we can see there ten Daughters who were Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn jr, Lucy, Lola And Lana the Twins, Lisa and finally Lily.

But something is weird, the house was quiet, it is very rare for them to be quiet even the neighbors thought that they had moved but what was the real reason why they were so quiet? Well its because after Lincoln left home three years ago every Loud Sisters except for Lynn starting to feel guilty for what they did, but it was 3 years late, they didn't know where Lincoln would be even his parents didn't know he didn't leave them a letter or anything he just left without any trace, Lisa tried to track him but Lincoln was smart to know that Lisa planted a tracking chip on him so he removed it and destroyed it.

All of the Louds are in the dining room eating Lunch quietly, they didn't bother to make a fuss.

Rita: Girls, after Lunch i want all of you to clean the house since it's a Saturday (she said with a serious tone)

Sisters except Lynn: yes mom (they all said discouraged)

Lynn: But mom i have practice today! (she complained)

Lynn Sr: no buts young lady (he said seriously)

All of them continue eating in silence until the house phone started ringing.

Rita got up from her chair and went to the phone.

Rita: Hello? (She said through the phone)

???: Hello is this the Loud Residence? (A person asked through the phone)

Rita: ahm... Yes, who am i speaking to?

???: This is General Smith from the Bloodline military academy.

Rita: how may i help you sir?

G. Smith: Well, i wanted to inform you that your son Lincoln Loud will be coming (he said through the phone)

Rita could not believe it, her son without knowing where he is for 3 years was in a military academy, she could not stand the urge to cry but not with sadness but with happiness for knowing that her son is fine.

Rita: He is there?! Is he fine?! How is he?! (She asked desperately)

G. Smith: Calm down Mrs. Loud he is fine, he is doing well here, but he is been staying here for 3 straight years he spent his vacations here, but i decided to take him home for a real vacation.

Rita: When is he coming home? (she asked with a happy tone while crying)

G. Smith: he will be coming home today.

Rita: thank you, thank you for letting me know (she said happily)

G. Smith: but i want to give some warnings (he said becoming more serious)

Rita: What is it? (She asked surprised by the sudden Change of tone of the general)

G. Smith: i can already guess that Lincoln told you about his sexuality right?

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