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Drishti's place

Drishti got up earlier than her usual time in the morning. When she looked out, it was still dark . She got up from the bed not wanting to sleep anymore, she went and stood by the window. All the happening from last night flashed in her mind. A cold shiver ran down through her spin.

But she didn't know for how long she was standing these lost in her thoughts. When her trance broke, when she heard her phone buzzing. She sighed and went to check her phone. It was Rakshit. She picked up the call.

"Hello, sunshine" Rakshit exclaimed as soon as she picked up the call. His voice was sounding so cheerful.

"Hello, Rakshit" Drishti whispered in a low tone.

Rakshit was taken aback with her voice. He understood she is not ok "Drishti, are you fine?. Did anyone say anything to you?"  He asked calmly.

"Nothing, I am ok. Don't worry" Drishti replied trying to sound cheerful.

Rakshit let out a sigh "Don't pretend, Drishti. I know you are not ok. It's ok, if you don't want to share it right now. But please don't be sad like this" Rakshit was trying to make her feel good .

"I know. Trust me, I am sad. It's just the things are too much for me to take. I will be ok soon" Drishti replied making him smile softly.

"Ok, leave all this. when will you come? I can't wait to see you here today" Rakshit said trying to change the topic and lighten the atmosphere.

Drishti chuckled "We will be there by even most probably".

"It's good. I have also asked shekhar to get Divya with him. You will be more comfortable, if she is here. After all she is your best friend". Rakshit said.

Drishti wondered how does this boy always manage to take care of her every small needs. Sometimes she thinks will anyone ever understand her the way Rakshit does.

"Why are you so prefect Rakshit? Can I ever match up to you?" Drishti asked wandering herself.

Rakshit smiled hearing her "I am not prefect, Drishti. Your presence makes me prefect and you don't need to match up to me. Because it's me who needs to match up to you. You are just so good for your own self, princess" He uttered, to be more precise he wished for it.

"You are too much" Drishti Chuckled and nodded her head in disbelief. Rakshit Chuckled too. He was glad that she si smiling at least.

"By the way...." Was about to say something when Drishti heard her name being called from down.

"Rakshit, mumma is calling me. I need yo go. Will talk to you later" Drishti said and hung up the call. She didn't give Rakshit any chance to say.

Drishti went down hurriedly she found her mother and Anu were there in the hall, maybe waiting for her only. She went and stood in front of them.

"Come here" She called Drishti hear her and patted the seat beside her asking Drishti to sit there. Drishti slowly walked near her and sat beside her.

"Drishti, I don't want to beat around the bush. So, I will directly come to the point. I don't know what you have seen in Rakshit that you liked him so much. I talked to your papa last night, he is ready for the wedding. But still I want to ask you one thing, do you really want to marry Rakshit? He is a celebrity and it's difficult to maintain a relationship with them. Think of it once again" Vidya once again warned her. She was a mother after all and it's quite normal for her to be concerned for her daughter.

"Mumma, I know, you all are worried for me. But trust me, Rakshit is not like others celebrities. If he wanted he could have left me a long back. He still had the option not to approach my family as he knew about you all. But even then he decided to stick by my side. Our relationship would have broken a long back, if it was not Rakshit was trying the most to save whatever we have" Drishti tried to assured her.

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