I am sorry

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Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."

If an apology is followed by an excuse or a reason, it means they are going to commit same mistake again they just apologized for. An apology is the superglue of life! It can repair just about anything. But it is always so simple, and so complicating, to accept an apology. An apology is a simple thing. A few easy words which we hope will correct for our regrettable actions. If accepted, however, an apology is of little worth. It indicates a momentary change of heart. Though not always a lasting one. An apology is such an expression that shows, not only greatness and insight; whereas, it also protects from breaking the family ties, and friendly contacts.

D R I S H T I' S P L A C E

Drishti was in really bad mood after that day's fight with Rakshit. She was hurt more than angry for his behavior. She was just trying to help him, she was trying to be by his side. But he took it all in a wrong way. She didn't know for how long she had cried that night to suppress the feeling of pain. But as it says if it does not hurt, it's not love.

Drishti was not in mood to talk to anyone. She didn't have dinner nor she came out of her room for once. Rahul came to call her but she denied saying she is having a headache. That's why no one disturbed her again. She noticed Rakshit calling her again and again, he had also sent her messages but she didn't reply to any of them. 'How can he just say like this?' That's the only thought was running in her mind.
But midst all those chaos, she didn't forget to ask about his condition as it was the day of him going to the doctor. Drishti had called Shekhar to know about Rakshit. She didn't want to call him right now. She could have called Priya too but for some reason from Shekhar, she always gets a brotherly vibe. So, she decided to call him.

Shekhar knew about the argument between Rakshit and Drishti. When he had gone to see Rakshit, he found him very restless. Then he got to know about it. Shekhar knew Rakshit isn't someone who will get angry so easily. He was also wondered when he heard him losing his temper suddenly.

"Rakshit had gone to see doctor and they had a long discussion. He had also given a lot of tests, he had mainly focused on Rakshit's diet. The reports will come tomorrow probably, after that the doctor will be able to say what to do next." Shekhar said to Drishti. That's all he had heard from him.

Drishti simply hummed. She was confused what to say further. So, she was quite when Shekhar again asked, "Didn't you talk to Rakshit?" He took a pause and added. "After that day........." Even though he knew the answer still he asked her.

"No." Drishti's answer was simple and curt.

Shekhar left a breath. "Drishti, you know right he didn't mean any of the thing which he had said to you that day?" He tried to clarify things between them as a good friend.
Drishti again hummed in response.

"You know Drishti, Rakshit has always been the most impulsive one among us. He doesn't think for once before saying anything. But later he regrets the most. Rakshit loves you a lot, Drishti. For the first time in his life he has asked for something apart from his cricket. It's you. Then I hope you understand, how important you are to him."

Drishti heard him carefully. Then she decided to reply him. "I can understand. I know that we have known each other from just a few days. But that does not mean he will talk to me like that. I was just asking him to take everything positively but instead of hearing that he shouted on me. It can't go like this." She was serious but that could not hide her shivering tone. It was clear that she was trying to control her tears.

"I know what you must be feeling but Rakshit is like this only. He has some anger issues. But if he understands things for once, then he won't commit he same mistake once again. I can assure you that."
Drishti was quite.

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