Lemon Tea

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"Excuse me miss?" I lift my head and look at the boy standing in front of me. "You are miss Jennie, am I right?"

"Yes, how can I help you?" without replying to my question, he pulls out a chair and sits right next to me. 

"I am Kylian. I am new here and Mrs Rodriguez asked me to meet you and ask you if you could help me with my work?" I remember my art teacher telling me in class that she would send a student to me and that I was required to help him around the college. So this is the guy.

"Yes, she already told me about you. I will help you with your college work and in any way you need. Let me know if you need anything. When it comes to art, you will have to come with me after lectures to the park, where I practice. If that's okay with you."

"I don't mind anything as long as I can learn everything that I missed. Thank you so much miss Jennie."

"Please call me Jennie. It's awkward to have someone my age call me miss. Anyway, I will be heading to the park at three-thirty, right after my lectures, come there once you are done with yours." I say as I pick my books and head out of the library.

"Jennie!" I hear a familiar voice yelling across the hall. Rose comes running towards me. "Jennie, go straight home. Don't go to the park today. I won't be able to go to the café and I will be getting late to come home so you head home before it gets dark." She managed to say while panting.

"But Rosie, I promised to revise a few art lessons to the new art student at the park today. It's fine. I will manage somehow."

"Fine, then. Right after you are done at the park, go straight to the café and stay there until I come. Okay? Please don't go wandering the streets by yourself at night." Rose says while pulling me into a tight hug and she went rushed back to her lecture hall. She treats me like her little sister and I loved that. I loved staying around her. I feel warm and safe when I am with her. If I have a life goal, that was to keep my sister happy. I will never do anything against her word.

After my lectures, I went straight to the park and sat on a bench and started placing all my supplies beside me. I took out a pencil and started sketching. 

"That is beautiful." I lift my head slightly and look behind my bench. Kylian had been standing behind me and watching me draw all this time and I had not noticed. 

"Thank you. Come sit here. Did you bring your supplies?" He nods and pulls out all his pencils and books. "before teaching you anything, I want to see your art skills. Ummm, can you see that old lady reading over there? I want you to make a simple sketch of her."

He takes a pencil and starts his work. Just then, one of my usual friends, Mrs Bertha, an old lady whom I drew once walked up to us. 

"Looks like our little Jennie finally got herself a boyfriend." She smirks while patting my shoulder.

"Oh no, Mrs Bertha. This is one of my classmates. He is new here so I am just helping him with the work." I say embarrassed at her comment.

"Oh, that's bad. This gentleman looks quite handsome so won't be that bad if you date him." I hear Kilian chuckling beside me.

"Mrs Bertha, you know very well that I am not into a relationship at this point. I will let you know the very second I fall in love, okay." She nods but walks away looking disappointed. DidI say something to hurt her? It's true. I haven't ever dated anyone. I did fall in love once. A stranger and I am not sure if I have ever stopped loving him but honestly, I don't think I am ready to date anyone. Kylian and I spent the next two hours drawing peacefully and I taught him a few tips that we had learnt in our previous lectures. 

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