Punishment or Reward?

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A man enters the room from another door which seemed to look like the entrance to a washroom, wearing a white towel around his waist. I couldn't see his face clearly in the dark but I knew exactly who it was. I remember his deep voice that always gave me chills in my bones. That deep voice made me go crazy over a mysterious stranger. That voice that I would remember for an eternity.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to invade your privacy. I was just looking for my friend." I say and try to leave but just as I passed by him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him.

"Well, you must be given a punishment for invading it then." He tilts his head to the right and smirks. I can see his face clearly, now that we are a few inches away. 

"Well, you must be punished for invading mine. How can you make paintings of someone else without their permission? Don't you think that is creepy?"

"Really. Then why do you do that every day after college?" That question caught me off guard but I fight back.

"Oh. So you have been stalking me? Look who the creep is now." I say trying to sound as cool as possible, trying to hide the fact that I was thrilled that he seemed to have been interested in me too.

"That is the way I am. Once my eyes catch sight of something that pleases my heart, I will go after it." I think hard about what to say next but my heart kept getting in the way. It kept separating from my brain. Butterflies flew right out of me and swirled all around us. Sweet melodies played in the background. This was just like what I had wanted. A guy with bad boy vibes. Just like in the novels I had read.

"Are you going to say something back or are you going to continue to stare at me like that?" I come back to reality. The butterflies fly right back in and the music stops.

"Nope. I give up. You got me at my weakest. Now may I leave if you are happy?" I try to loosen his grip on my hand but fails. It wasn't even that tight but my tiny hands were nothing when compared to his large ones.

"What about the punishment then?" He asks. If that smirk belonged to another guy I would have punched him down with all my strength but the fact that this was him, the guy that I dreamt of every day, the guy that I am surely in love with, made me want to pull his face closer to mine and smash my lips on to the ones that were forming that smirk.

"I apologized. Please let me go." Isay looking right into his eyes. He looks stares back and steps closer. I don move a finger. One more step we would be on each other which was exactly what I wanted. I know I don't even know this man's name but I just loved him, from all my heart and soul. He leans in so that our faces are on the same height. He smiles slightly and closes the left space between us. He places a gentle kiss on mine but pulls away for a second. I pout at the disappointment of not getting to kiss back. He turns away.

"Wait!" I say and just as he turned to lift my body using my toes and aim for his lips but I couldn't reach his lips and instead my lips kissed his sharp jawline.

"Wait!" I say and just as he turned to lift my body using my toes and aim for his lips but I couldn't reach his lips and instead my lips kissed his sharp jawline

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(Just a reminder of how sharp his jawline is. Please continue reading and don't pause here.)

I take a few steps back, feeling my face heat up. Actually, my whole body was on fire. I look up at his face and see him looking at me with a smile on his face. He comes closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

He parts his lips and take mine in between his and embraces mine. I lock his lower lip in mine and create friction between them I pull away from a little and we continue this for a good two to three minutes. His hot breath in mine, burning the butterflies inside of me. He carries me over and places me on the bed. He hovers over me and continues kissing me passionately. He pulls away.

His hand slides under my dress and lifts it over my head. He once again closes the distance between us. His righthand sliding my panties down my leg. He then enters his fingers inside of me. I let out my moans into his mouth. He pumps his fingers into me making me shiver in pain and pleasure. 

He doesn't break the kiss the whole time. I wrap my right hand around his neck and grab hold of the sheets. I close my eyes shut as I got closer and he speeds up the motion of his hand, making me come on his hand. I let out moans and feel my body shiver as the orgasm take over me. 

He breaks away from the kiss but continues to rubbing my insides as I lay panting on his bed. He pulls away and stands up straight. He takes a look at my body that lay, out of any strength on his bed, naked and walks up to his closet. I watch him pull a shirt over his head and put on a pair of shorts. He then brings a blanket and covers my body.

"I will leave. You get dressed. If you need to wash your face, the washroom is there." He says as he plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

 "Wait. I don't even know your name."

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." He says and leaves me in his room all by myself. I wrap the blanket around my bare body and go wash my face. I put my dress back on and leave his room. I go downstairs looking for Taehyungbut he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I pot Kylian so I decide to ask him.

"Hey, did you see someone called Taehyung?"I ask him.

"My brother? Why are you looking for him? How do you know my brother?" Brother? That made sense. So Kylian and Taehyung were brothers. Mr Kim's younger grandson was Kylian. It's a small world after all. However, I couldn't tell him how exactly I know his brother so I have to lie.

"We have met a few times in our apartment. So did you see him?" I ask out of impatience.

"He left. He is a busy man and he hates parties. He prefers lonely, dark and silent places. Anyway, come let's go grab a drink." He grabs my wrist and pulls me over to the bar before I can refuse. My mind was blocked and I couldn't think properly. He left? After what happened, he just left. Maybe, he had to go for something urgent. He is a busy man it seems so probably he had a meeting to attend. I try to think of all the possible excuses for him to leave. I send three glasses of liquor down my throat.

 I was ready for more but Rose said I had enough. I wanted to ignore her and drink my heart out but my brain started functioning when I saw her. She called a cab to take us home because it was very dark now and walking home seemed impossible at the stage I was in. She helps me out of the car and inside our apartment. We reach our floor and we start walking towards our door and I see a silhouette walking toward us in the opposite direction. He stops a few feet away from us.

"What is wrong with her?" He asks Rose. I lift my head and glare at him. How dare he even ask that?

"Good evening sir. She gets drunk very easily and when she is she does crazy things." Rose says and I sense embarrassment in her voice.

"Oh, take her inside then. Be careful." He says with an expression that looks a bit like a concern but I roll my eyes and go inside our apartment and Rose greets that selfish man goodnight before coming inside. She locks the door and follows me into the living room.

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