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"So Jennie, I was going to ask you, if you would like to attend a party that I am hosting tomorrow. You can bring your sister with you too. It's just a party for my childhood friends. Since I just returned, they wanted to get together and have some fun. I would really love it if you could come."

"Are you sure you want me and Rose there? I mean if it's like a reunion, us being there would make-" he cuts me off midsentence.

"No, it won't be a problem. I will see you tomorrow. I will text you the address. Be on time." Kylian grabs his bag and runs away, laughing without letting me say another word. The idea of a party sounded nice but I hope that I don't feel uninvited. I am sure Rose is going to love this. I dial her number and she picks up a second later.

"What's wrong Jen?" 

"Shall we go shopping? I have a party to attend tomorrow. He invited you as well so wanna come along or shall Igo by myself?"

"Excuse me? And let you have fun alone? No thank you, sis. I am coming right away. Where are you? Oh, wait. I know. I am on my way."Rose and I manage to find decent dresses to wear after searching for hours. We both loved shopping but even more trying out different combinations of outfits. We walk the evening streets together, with bags filled with clothes in one hand and ice cream in the other. We decide to have dinner at a local restaurant since we couldn't eat outside for a long time. We arrive at home at around ten in the night. Rose goes to take a wash first so I lie down on the couch and wait for her to come out but falls asleep instead.

"Jennie. Jennie wake up. It's ten in the morning. Jen wakes up." I cover my face with another pillow in an attempt to block her voice away but obviously Rose to be Rose, jumps onto my body and I was wide awake in a matter of seconds.

"Rosie... I want to sleep. It's Saturday."I groan, sitting up straight and scratching the back of my head.

 "Fine go back to sleep then." Rose storms out of the room. I get out of bed and hop in the shower. I let the cold water run down my body. I am still mad at Rose for waking me up. I was dreaming all this time. The only time I get to see him was when I was asleep. I loved seeing him in my dreams as I can imagine him in any way I wanted. The other way I would satisfy the need to see him was to make drawings of him. I tried to draw him the way I remember him and managed to get a successful sketch of his face. I hid the drawing in a box under my bed because the last thing I want is for Rose to find out I am head over heels with her boss's grandson. 

Once I am done with the shower I get dressed a go to the kitchen to prepare my brunch but I see a bagel sitting on the table, beside a cup of coffee, waiting eagerly for me. I sit down a start munching the bagel down.

"Who said you could eat that? I made it for myself." Rose comes out of her room, her eyes on her phone. She sits in front of me, still her eyes on the screen.

"Come on Rosie. I know you well enough to know you made this for your sister." I smile and take another bite.

 "Really. Do you now? Anyway Jendukie, what time are we going?" This time she was looking at me. I tell her the time and details. I finish my brunch and we return to our rooms to study since we had a lot more time to get ready.

"ROSE! Did you see the black eyeshadow? I kept it here the last time I used it." I scream loud enough for the whole apartment to know that I have lost my eyeshadow. I storm into her room knowing very well that it would be sitting on her table. She is sitting, unbothered, in front of the mirror, putting on her earrings. I take my eye shadow and apply it to my eyes carefully. Once both of us were ready, I show Rose the location that Kylian texted me and she guides us there. If I were to find his house by myself, it would take an eternity because I easily got lost. 

We arrive at a beautiful, house, more like a mansion. Kylian greets us with his usual million-dollar smile and takes us inside which was way more crowded and loud than I had expected. Just as we went inside, Rose found a few of her friends and she went to talk to them and I stood near the bar, not knowing what to do next.

Rose was very friendly with anyone and she was outgoing so she had plenty of friends and on the other hand, even though I love making new friends and being kind to people, no one seems to like me. I have no college friends and the only person I considered my friend was Kylian. Rose is the only person who has been with me from my friends and now I consider her my own sister.

I get a drink from the bartender and send it sliding down my throat in one go. I feel the liquor burn my mouth but it felt nice to get a distraction for once. I decide to go in search of Kylian. I saw him go upstairs so I go in that direction hoping to find my friend. On the second floor, there were many rooms. Most of them were filled with people but one door was closed. Jennie being the nosy Jennie, decides to go see why it was closed. Hopefully, I don't see a naked couple eating up each other.

 I turn the doorknob and slowly open the door. The room was dark and huge. It seemed like a bedroom. I close the door behind me and look around the room. I know I shouldn't be doing this but the room looked so aesthetic and I loved aesthetic rooms. There was a large bookshelf near the bed and the wall facing the bed was covered with photo frames. Well, they were drawings. I assume that this must be Kylian's room. I observe all the drawings one by one, but three drawings catch my attention.

The first was of a girl seated on a bench. She had an easel with a canvas in front of her. She was holding onto a paintbrush. Her hair was tied into a tiny bun, just like the way I like to tie my hair. This girl looked a lot like me. The second drawing was a drawing of a girl in a kitchen. She was making something. This girl looked just like the girl in the first pictures. The only problem was that her facial features weren't visible as the pictures were drawn from the back. I kind of feel I know who this girl is. I keep getting the feeling this is me. 

Maybe, just maybe, Kylian drew them of me. Kylian has been with me in all these moments. Obviously, it was me in the park drawing and once I took him to the café and made him a cup of espresso so he might have drawn me making coffee. I don't know for sure but there is a possibility. However, the third drawing was different. It was of a girl holding onto a cat. In this one, the face was visible and this was definitely my face. It was such a great drawing that all the features were drawn to perfection. The problem is, we never had a moment like this before.

"Don't you think it's creepy to enter a man's room when it's completely dark inside? There is no way out and anything can happen. The music outside is too loud for anyone to hear you. You sure are brave."

(I did not draw this

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(I did not draw this. Credits to the artist. This is just so that you can imagine the drawing Jennie made of Taehyung.)


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