Bike Ride

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Kylian helps me lift the luggage and put them into the back of the car. Kylian, Taehyung, Mr Kim and I will be going in one car while Rose will be coming in Jimin's car. She introduced him as a friend of hers which everyone bought except for me. I know very well that this dude was way more than a friend but I liked him. He looked good together with Rosie. I take a deep breath and sit down inside the car beside Kylian. He noticed that I was feeling uncomfortable so he held onto my hand. 

"Everything is okay right. I am starting to drive. Don't tell me halfway through that you forgot anything." He starts driving and I don't let go of Kylian's hand. I try not to look outside.I feel nauseous so lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear MrKim's voice so I open my eyes and sit straight. I smile and nod letting him know that I am doing just fine.

"Should I stop the vehicle?"Taehyung asks, slowing the car down.

"No, I am okay. I just don't like travelling in cars."

"Just cars?" I nod. It was just cars. Probably because it felt closed. I loved any other form of transport except for cars. Taehyung pulls up the car on the side of the road and turns around. "Will you be fine if you were on a bike?" Is he making fun of me or was he genuinely concerned? I nod. He takes out his phone and dial-up a number. He gets out of the car and speaks to someone. What is he up to? He opens the door.

 "Kyle, drive the car and take grandpa with you. I will bring Jennie with me."

"And how are you going to do that?"Kylian asks in a serious tone. 

"My friend lives nearby. I asked him to lend me his bike. He will bring it here in a few minutes. You will be fine with riding a bike with me right?" He asks me. I look at Kylian. He nods approving. I get out of the car and Kylian takes the driver's seat.

"Taehyung. Take good care of her okay. She is still a small child so drive slowly." Kylian drives away leavingTaehyung and me standing on the road beside each other.

"Jennie, can I ask you something?" I look up at him and nod. "How old are you?" I knew he would ask this. I haven't been this embarrassed before.

"Twenty-One." I feel my cheeks start heating up while Taehyung looks at me with confusion.

"Why does grandpa keep calling you a child?" I explain everything to him and he chuckles. He is so cute when he laughs that I couldn't take my eyes off of him. "I thought I fingered a small kid. After all, you look smaller than you age."

"Fingered? Who did you finger?" I am going to give him a taste of his own medicine. I look at him, trying to look confused.

"You-. Right." He understood and looked away. I felt proud for not being vulnerable but I would love to talk with him for hours and hours. Taehyung's friend brought the bike that he promised to lend. "This is Jennie. She is," he looks around at me for a second, "Kylian's girlfriend. She has an issue with travelling in cars so that's why I asked for the bike. Means a lot dude. Thank you so much."I thank his friend. Taehyung gets onto the bike and puts on his helmet and offers me mine. I put it on and climb onto the bike. He makes sure I am ready and starts driving away.

I try not to hold onto him but he slowly speeds up the bike so I had to grab onto the top of his shoulders. I loved being close to him like this. I felt warm and secure when he is with me. I wish I could wrap my arms around his waist and close the gap between us but I had to control myself so that Kylian's plan doesn't fail. He stops the bike at one point because of the traffic lights. He turns his head around slightly.

 "Do you wanna go straight to the mansion or do you want to go for a little ride along the beach before heading to the mansion?"I loved the beach. It's the one place that I have always loved to go to. Mostly because I loved painting on the beach.

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