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Taehyung's POV

"Okay, Jennie breathe," I scream from the driving seat. Rose was beside me in the front of the car and Jimin was behind with Jennie, who was screaming. Her contractions started and now she and I are both starting to panic.

"Ouch! Rose help me." Jimin screams above everyone's voices as Jennie grabs hold of his hair to release her pain.

"I can't do this anymore." Her voice fills up the whole car and I increase the speed of the car.

"Move the damn car. My wife is giving birth!" I scream at the car in front who was driving like a god damn sloth.

"Wife?" Jennie asks in the middle of all the chaos.

"Seriously? I am dying here in pain, I mean, I don't know what I am saying. I said move the fucking car away. She is giving birth!"

After all the havoc on the street, we finally arrive at the hospital. They take her inside and we follow right behind. They take her into the labour room and one of the nurses walk up to us.

"The dad can come inside to be with her during her labour. Would you like to come sir?" She turns towards Jimin who was fixing his hair after what Jennie did to him. I am surprised how his clothes weren't ripped. Jimin shakes his head and points towards me.

"I, well I don't think that is a good idea. I can't look at... blood." I say embarrassed.

"It's okay sir, it's completely normal. Don't worry your wife will be alright." She goes back inside.

It has been extremely long and I couldn't bear it anymore. Many hours passed and all I can hear is the horrific screams that she was making. What the hell are they doing to her? My palms are sweaty and my mind was running marathons while Rose and Jimin sat calmly, outside the room, having coffee! I pace back and forth waiting for some sign that it was all over.

Just then I hear tiny, very tiny cries from inside and I run towards the door to see what it was even the nothing was visible. A few minutes later I hear another cry, this time it was a bit louder than the previous one. I laugh at the sound. My babies are here. Surely the first was my prince and the second was my baby princess. She has a loud mouth just like her mother.

I couldn't control myself from crying. I was overwhelmed with joy and sorrow. Another few minutes later, the doors open and they bring Jennie out on a trolley and transfer her into a private room. The nurses ask us to stay outside a little bit longer.

"Mr Taehyung?" I look to my left and see Jennie's surgeon standing. "Congratulations for being a father. Your wife was very strong throughout the whole process even though it was difficult for her to deliver two babies. All three of them are extremely healthy and you have nothing to worry about." I hug him tightly and thank him for protecting my life. The three people that made up my life.

We go inside the room as soon as they allow us to. Jennie was lying on the bed, looking pale but she was glowing. She looked different. She looked stronger and prettier. I sit beside her and hold onto her hand.

"Thank you, Jennie." I had a lot planned to tell her but all I could say was thank you because my voice cracked. I felt a huge lump in my throat preventing me from speaking. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I lowered my head.

"Thank you. For making me the happiest man in the world. Thank you for being strong throughout, even without me by your side. Thank you for making me a dad Jen. I love you."

Just then the door opened and two nurses walked in, holding two tiny things in their hands. They were so tiny. They placed each baby on either side of her and I watched as she looked at both her babies with loved filled eyes. Jennie looked at each baby, taking in every little detail of them. She placed a gentle kiss on both of their foreheads and closed her eyes to stop herself from crying. I move closer to them and take a closer look at them.

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