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"I know I might sound clingy but can I come with you?" I plead.

"What about college?"

"I don't care about college. All I want is to be with you."

"Jennie, finish college while I am gone. I am going for business work and we won't be able to spend much time together anyway. I will be back and time will go by quickly. Your whole future depends on this princess. You cannot just drop it for me." He puts his hand around my head and kisses my forehead.

I nod, still convinced that I could drop college for him. He walks me back to the apartment, his hands carrying all the bags of clothes that we bought. I ask him to come inside but he said he has some work and that it's too late for him to stay.

"Goodnight baby." I say as I kiss him good night.

"Goodnight princess." I blush at his words and run inside. I loved it when he calls me princess. It makes me feel that he values me.

I take the bags and go into the living room where Rose was watching TV with Jimin on the couch.

"This is for you and this for you." I give each of them their bags. Tae chose a perfume and a watch for Jimin and I chose a perfume and bracelet for Rose. They thank me and look at their gifts while I change.

I come back and join them in watching the movie but my mind was elsewhere. It was with Taehyung. I don't think I can wait for him for eight months. I can barely go a day without seeing him. I got a job at the café just to see him and now he is going to be out of the country for eight long months.

"What's wrong?" Rose and Jimin were looking at me. I shake my head indicating that I am doing just fine. "Jennie, tell me what happened. Did you both fight?" I burst into tears. I hug Rose tightly and cry out loud as Rose gently caressed my hair.

"Tell me what's wrong. Let's figure this out together." I wipe my tears and sit straight, facing her.

"Tae has to go to France for eight months for some work. He says that it won't be any problem because he believes in a long-distance relationship but I can't go a single day without seeing him. So I asked him if I could go with him just so I can be with him. He says that I should stay and finish off college but I can't. I want to stay with him." I am crying but I manage to say everything I was feeling. It was always very easy to communicate with Rose. It's like she knew exactly what I was feeling and always gave the right suggestions.

"See Rosie, I have never loved anyone like how I loved Taehyung. It might be because I might have lost my virginity to him." I blush as I reveal my little secret to her.

"Do you want me to leave?" Probably Jimin felt uncomfortable but I didn't really mind him being here.

"Jennie, what do you mean you love him like no one else just because you lost your virginity to him! Dude, you love him because he treats you just the way you deserve to be treated. He loves you from all his heart and I can tell for sure." Rose's comment made me feel much better.

"I agree. That guy is a true gentleman. I got a few tips from him too." Jimin adds making Rose smile.

"Either way, I want to be with him. I want to go with him. I don't want anything else." I stand my ground.

"Listen, babe, Taehyung is right. It's your entire future you are going to let go of. All these years of your hard work would be in vain. Besides, eight months will go by very quickly. You both will be able to make it work. Nothing will happen, okay?" I nod.

Maybe she is right. We love each other and we can make it work.

"Jennie, you will be late!" Rose screams from the living room.

"Coming!" I scream as I put on my shoes. I grab my phone and bag as I make my way to the living room. Rose and I went downstairs and see a black car parked in front. Rose and I get inside. Taehyung was already in the back. Jimin agreed to drop Taehyung at the airport.

"Sorry Jennie, four people can't ride a bike," Jimin says as I got in.

"It's okay. I can't avoid cars for the rest of my life anyway." Taehyung takes my hand locks his fingers between mine.

"Are you okay?" How does he expect me to be okay? "Don't be mad. I will be back before you even realize it." I place my head on his shoulder for the rest of the ride.

We reached the airport. Tae took his luggage out of the car and was about to go inside but I wasn't ready to let him go. I grabbed his hand and stopped him. I wrapped my hands around him and hugged him. He placed his bag on the floor and lifted me up and I wrap my legs around him.

"Eat on time. Attend all the classes. Relax in the evening and do not stay up till late. Don't get sick while I am gone. Don't get injured and stay away from all guys who have weird vibes okay?" He whispers into my ear.

"Okay. You just avoid eating snails in France. Those poor creatures." That was my biggest concern. Well, one of them. He lets out a small laugh.

"Okay. Take good care of grandpa and Luca." I nod and plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. He places me on the floor again and kisses my forehead. My eyes fill up with tears as I watch him walk away into the airport. I wait for him to turn around but he walks inside without sparing me one last glance and when he was out of sight, we leave the airport.

Taehyung's POV

I don't turn around because I didn't want to look at her teary eyes because then I wouldn't be able to go. This girl changed my whole world. She made me into a completely new person. I feel better this way. I arrive in Paris after a two-hour flight. I go straight to my hotel and take a call to Jennie to let her know that I landed.

I don't know how long I would have to be here. I had to tell her that it would take eight months but it might be more than that. Dad has messed up everything here. He got into gambling and now our businesses are running under complete losses. Ever since mum had passed away, Dad did whatever he felt right and everything he felt right was completely wrong all the time. He ruined Kylian as well and for that, I would never forgive him. 

Eight Months Later

I see Mr Park standing in the airport waiting for me and I start walking towards him. He greets me with a bright smile and takes my luggage and takes me to the car.

"Good to see you back sir." He says when we are in the car.

"I am happy to be back too, Mr Park. How has everyone been?"

"Everyone has been doing great sir but only one problem." I look at him, curious as to what he is about to say. "Miss Jennie..." He pauses and my heart skips a beat. It actually stopped beating.

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