Master Plan

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"Option number one. I can help you make him realize that he loves you." I look up realizing what he is talking about. "Number two. I can make you forget about him."

"Option one, how can you make him realize something that he doesn't feel at all." Honestly, if Taehyung doesn't love me, then how can we make him feel it.

"As I told you earlier, I know my brother more than anyone. He has never been involved with a woman before, not even for a one-night stand." If only he knew. "You are his first and he is afraid of getting close to you. I also know that if my brother can't have something, he won't let anyone else have it either. So, let's make him jealous."

"And how do we do that?" I ask, with a sense of hope.

"Ok I am disappointed at the fact that you completely ignored the second option but I promise to help you get what you want because I feel your happiness is with him. So I have this idea which I will tell you tomorrow once I finalize everything okay."

 "Just tell me what you" I couldn't complete my sentence because Kylian keeps his finger on my lips asking me to stop talking. I roll my eyes and nod agreeing to shut up. Kylian walks me home and makes sure that I go home safely. Once I walk into the living room I see rose smirking at me.

 "What?" I ask jumping onto the couch beside her.

"How was your date?"

"Rosie, it wasn't a date. It was more like a hangout."

"Oh ok. That's why he bought you flowers, gifts and a stuffed unicorn?" She looks at the unicorn in a weird way and throws it back at me."We are just friends okay? I am going to go sleep. I have work tomorrow."

"Oof. Someone is busy working now huh?" We both laugh and I go into my room. I sit down on the bed and think about what Kylian said. If he wasn't a player like I thought he was and if I was his first, well first one-night stand? I don't even know what I am to him. What if his plan actually works? I couldn't stop thinking about it and my mind was filling up with all the possible things I want to do with Taehyungif we actually get together. However, probably because I was exhausted from today, I fell asleep.

I didn't see Kylian at the college today. He probably skipped lectures because he was tired. After the lectures, Rose and I went straight to the café. We had lunch together with Mr Kim and started work. Towards the evening, the number of customers increased and ever since I started working here, my "friends" from the park came to the café to get their coffee which was what impressed Rose the most. The fact that I made friends, even though they were men and women in their sixties.

"Grandpa!" Kylian comes inside screaming, as usual. He never came inside, walking as a normal human does.

"Kyle, didn't you say you want to work here. You still didn't show up. Changed your mind so soon?" Mr Kim asks him as he sits down in front of him.

"Well I will come work here but before that, I want to ask you something." Mr Kim nods approving Kylian to ask whatever he had in mind.

 "Shall we go on a trip? To that mansion, we have near the beach? The three of us, Rose and Jennie. I mean they are also like family. What do you say?"What the hell is he up to? Mr Kimcalls Rose and me to sit with them. 

"The idea is great. What do you say, Rosie? Will your parents allow Jennie to go on a trip with us. After all, I am sure your parents wouldn't want her to miss school." Not again.

"Don't worry grandpa, the summer break is starting next week so we can spend the whole summer there." Kyliantries so hard to persuade Mr Kim into agreeing and finally succeeds.

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