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Taehyung drops me at our apartment. We arrived before Rose and Jennie as we came on the bike.

"Do want to come inside?" I ask as I give him his helmet back. He removes his and run his fingers between his thick hair, hoping to fix it but the only thing that was happening was that my heart was about to burst open. He gets off of the bike and follows me inside the building. Over the past month, we became very close. Spending every second with each other but we had to return for work and college.

I slide the key into our apartment and open the door. I place my bag on the table and go to the kitchen to grab two cans of soda. Our fridge always had soda. I give one to Tae who was already sitting on the couch and looking around the house. I walk over to him so that I could sit beside him on the couch but he pulls me making me sit on his lap.

"Baby, I never asked you to be my girlfriend. I need to formally ask you out so..." He gives me his soda and slides his hand into his pocket and pull out something. He does something behind me and then his hand comes around me and around my neck, leaving a beautiful gold necklace around it. He wraps his arms around my waist and places his chin on my shoulder.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Hmmm." I couldn't speak as I was in tears already. I get up and turn to face him. I keep the cans on the floor and jump onto him. We have dated for almost a month but he asked me out today which was quite cute that he realized that he didn't do it before. I am so lucky to have him with me. If only I could convert my thoughts into words.

He makes me stand up and he pulls out his phone. He plays a song and stands up and stand right in front of me. He comes closer and wraps his arms around me. He places his nuzzled head into the crook of my neck.

"I love you, Jennie. I will try my best to keep you happy." He whispers.

"Hmmm." I take his head away and look at him.

"Say it back." He looks annoyed.

"Hmmm." I am going to annoy him a little bit.

"Jennie! Looks like someone is being bad girl." He lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Where is your room?" I point towards mine and he carries me inside. He carefully places me on my bed. He looks at me with his head tilted to the side before pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it onto the floor.

He hovers on top of me and comes closer to my face and just as he was about to place his lips on mine and place my palm in between our faces.

"Now what?" He says, with annoyance clearly in his voice.

"Lock the door first." I remind him. He smiles and then gets off of me and goes to lock the door. He comes back, looking excited and finishes what he started. His lips against mine. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down throwing them onto the floor. He pulls my skirt down my legs and comes back on top and continues the kiss.

"Do you have condoms?" What the hell? Why would I have condoms in my room? I shake my head.

"Don't you?"

"Why would I need condoms. I never had a girlfriend to have sex in the first place. What now?" He asks me.

"Just do it." I took a brave decision but I really didn't want him to stop. It would have been very awkward. He gives me an "are you sure" look and I nod.

He slides into me the next second as I let out a groan. He thrusts his hips towards me and I spread my legs as far as I could, allowing him to bury himself deeper.

My moans get higher and faster, filling up the small room. I open my eyes to see him watching me. I go closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck

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