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I grab my bag and run to the door when I hear a knock outside. I let Rose know that I am leaving and open the door to see Kylian standing outside with a beautiful bouquet of blue hyacinths. They were beautiful and brought a smile to my face instantly. I cried all night. I had to use makeup to cover up my worn-out face and this was a great way to feel better. It will never heal me. Nothing could except for him but I will do anything to distract myself from him. That is the only thing I had left to do. If he doesn't love me then I cannot expect anything from him.

"Hi. Please give these to Rose." He hands me the flowers and my smile is replaced with a frown. I turn around to give it to her but he holds onto my arm. "Jennie, I was joking. These are for you." I lower my head too shy to look at him. Oh, how I wished this was Taehyung. If he showed affection to me like this rather than rejecting me after one night. I ask Kylian to wait for a minute and run inside with the flowers. I grab the flower vase on my table throw the flowers away, fill it up with water and put the hyacinths inside. I place the vase back on the table and run outside where Kylian was waiting for me patiently.

"Sorry. Shall we go?" I ask and he nods. We walk down the stairs beside each other. 

"Why Hyacinths?" Honestly, I wanted to know why he chose to give me hyacinths.

"Blue Hyacinths represents constancy. I wanted to give you flowers on our first date and let you know that I will always be there for you and that you can always lean on my shoulder." He looks down at his feet while saying this as if he is embarrassed to say this.

"First date?"

 "Whatever. Let's go. I have a lot planned." He grabs my wrist and runs outside onto the road. A black car was parked outside and he indicates me to get in. 

"Can we walk? It's not far from here. Please." I hate car rides. Ever since Rose's parents died in the car crash I have had the fear of riding cars. I haven't ever experienced an accident but I have always had the fear of having to meet one.

"Sure. I can spend more time with you that way." He says with a sly smile on his face. We walk beside each other until we reached the cinema hall. Kylian suggested watching a movie before lunch and I agree.

"Let' watch a romantic movie." I shake my head.

"No! Let's watch a horror movie."His face goes pale and I know instantly that I am somehow making him watch a horror movie today. "Looks like someone is horrified," I smirk. "Fine, since you are scared -"

"Who said I am scared? Let's go watch a horror movie!" I do a tiny celebration and pull him inside. We buy tickets, snacks and go inside the dark hall. We sit at the very back because all the front seats were already full. The movie starts and I get fully drawn into the movie. There was this scene. It was actually horrifying but I was doing great until the man next to me screamed his lungs out and grabbed onto my hand so tight that it was painful. I screamed louder than him thinking it was the ghost in the movie that got hold of me and also out of pain. Everyone yells at us asking us to keep it down. We decide to go outside because Kylian didn't seem to be in a status where he could watch any more of the movie.

We sneak outside and start laughing out loud at what just happened."I thought you were brave heart."He says as we leave the cinema hall and go in search of somewhere to eat.

"I am. Was, until someone decided to take me down with him. My arm still hurts." Just as I say that he stops walking and take my hand and observes the area that he had grabbed. It was red near that area and his finger marks were still slightly visible.

"I am so sorry Jennie. I really didn't mean to hurt you. Stay right here, I will be back soon." Before I can say or do anything, he runs to a store and comes back with something in his hand. He opens the small box and takes out a cream. He opens the lid and squeeze out the cream and apply it gently to the red marks on my arm. He blows gently onto it.

"Kylian, it's fine. I know you didn't mean to hurt me and thank you for this." He smiles but I can say that he felt guilty. "Can we go eat? I am hungry."He takes me to a restaurant that wasn't crowded at all. Besides, there was only one more couple inside. We fill ourselves up and decide to go out for a walk.

"Jennie. Can I ask you something?"

 "Sure. What is it?"

"What did he say to you?" I stop walking. What is he asking about? "What did Taehyung say to you? What is it between the of you?"

"There isn't anything between us."I start walking. I wasn't lying. There isn't anything between us and Taehyungmade it clear last night.

"Jennie listen to me. I know my brother well enough to tell that he did say something horrible to you to make you cry so much like that." He makes me stop by holding on to my hand. "I wasn't asleep. I just made it more comfortable for you. I came outside and saw you crying on the road."

"Look Kylian. There isn't anything between us anymore. I thought there was something between us but it seems that I was just kidding myself. He never felt the same. Let's not talk about this again please."He nods agreeing. We find a bench and sit-down. 

"I am tired. Can I lie down a bit?"I raise an eyebrow and look at him. He turns around and places his head on my lap and closes his eyes shut. I was shocked by his action but didn't stop him either. I gently stroked his soft hair. He looked just like him. They had the same eyes, their hair felt the same. The shape of their lips was identical. It was just their personalities that were complete opposites. I place my head on the back of the bench and close my eyes.

I feel something moving on my body so I open my eyes to see Kylian sound asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist. He looked so adorable. I slowly take my phone out and check the time and I gasp in shock. We have slept for two hours on the bench. It was already five in the evening. I wake him up. He sits up straight and looks at me with a confused look making me smile.

"It's five already. Let's go finish our 'Date'" I stand up to pull him up with all my strength. Gosh, he was strong. He takes me to an amusement park. It was very childish but I found it cute. We go on multiple rides and play a lot of games. We bought candy floss, drinks and also Kylian got to be a stuffed unicorn. It was so fluffy! We get on the Ferris Wheel last because I wanted to see the night view and it wasn't dark enough when we arrived. It was beautiful from up high. The faraway street lights reflecting on the river in front. Kylian holds my hand in his and locks our fingers together. I look at him.

"I can help you. There are two ways. Whatever you chose, we will go with it." He says looking right into my eyes.

"Do I look like I need help?" Do I? He nods. "Okay... What are the two options?"

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