Bad Person

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Everyone claps out of excitement except for Taehyung and Kylian. They stare at me, knowing very well that I meant every word in that song. I cover my face not wanting to show any of my expressions to others. Then everyone takes turns to sing. Rose and Jimindoes a duet. They sing Lucky by Jason Mraz. Kylian stands up and offers me his hand. I smile and accept his offer to dance. He wraps his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We sway from side to side to the melody of the song. I place my head on his chest and vibe to the beautiful vocals. They end the song and we pull away to see two people glaring at us. Mr Kim andTaehyung.

"Kyle, I am warning you right now. Stay away from this child. She is still schooling while you are in your twenties. Leave the little girl alone." Mr Kim says in a serious tone.

"Mr Kim, she is twenty-one years old," Rose informs him who gets shocked instantly. "She is not a schoolgirl."

"What? All this time I thought she was going to school. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The poor man asked.

"We did tell you. You might have forgotten." I remind him but he still seems confused.

"Very well then. I have no objection then. Besides, I love this little, I mean our Jennie." Kylian and I sit back down. Mr Kim asks Taehyung to sing a song and he agrees right away. He must be a great singer for sure. He starts singing and I cannot help but stare at him. His voice was low and soothing. His voice was filled with emotions. It was calm yet powerful. Then everyone sang songs together and ate, dancing around with the ocean breeze in the atmosphere. I think I had too much soda that I had to use the restroom so I excused myself and went to my room. Each bedroom had its own restroom which was probably the best thing about the house.

Back in our apartment, Rose and I had to take turns using the restroom which was difficult at first because both of us led quite a fancy life but since we moved in together for college, we have gotten used to a much simpler life. I used the restroom and checked in the mirror if I looked okay. It was habit. I washed my face and to make sure that I won't feel sleepy and I was about to leave the restroom when someone came barging in. Taehyung. He locked the door behind him and pushed me to the wall and placed his arms on either side of me.

"What are you doing?" I ask trying to sound annoyed.

"What are You doing? What the fuck is between you and Kylian?" He was glaring right into my eye.

"Whatever is going on between us, what does that have to do with you? There is no special relationship between you and me for me to tell you about every little thing about my life. Now let me leave." I was honestly so angry. Why does he have to break me into pieces every time we talk?

"I am worried about you. Kylian is not like what you think he is. He has a horrible past. Stay away from him, Jennie."

"Why do you even care! If he ruins my life, it's mine. Not yours. Honestly, I am sure that he is way better than you." I am furious because at one time he would make love to me, then say it meant nothing and now act as he cares about me.

"It's because I am fucking -" He stops yelling and takes a deep breath. He takes his hands and turns around. "You know what. You are right. I don't give a fuck about your shit. I have nothing to do with you. I am sorry." He unlocks the door and leaves me, frozen, not knowing if I should cry or scream out of anger. Obviously, I wasn't as strong to scream at him so I fell to the ground, in tears. I close the door and remove my clothes and let them fall to the ground. I get inside the shower and let the cold water run down my bare body. I cry out loud because now no one can hear me. It helped a lot to cry out loud. It was something that Rose taught me. It helps to put out all the pressure you hide within yourself. I try to stop crying but all the pain I tried to hide for these days, spill out of me. The pain that he keeps causing me. Why couldn't he just end his game?

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