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About an hour later, Mum came inside the room, already in tears, before even seeing the new guests. She walks up to me first and wraps her hands around me and hugs me tightly. She was crying.

"Mum, don't cry. Everyone is perfectly alright." I try to make her feel better but she doesn't stop crying.

"I am so proud of you dear. You delivered two beautiful babies without anyone by your side. I am sorry I should have stayed with you for the last few months."

"Mum, don't cry and you haven't even seen the babies yet, how can you tell if they are beautiful?" I tease her. She pulls away and walk over to the cot and take a look at Atlas. She loved the name.

"Where is the girl?" I point towards Taehyung who was still holding on to Akira.

"Mum that is Akira." She walks over to Tae and takes a look at her and then at Tae and back at her again.

"She looks more like him." She smiles and Tae smiles at her comment too. "I am Jennie's mum. This is the first time I am meeting you. You look way better in person than the photos she showed us. Congratulations son and thank you for making my daughter a mum."

"What do you mean thank you?" I look at the door to see dad standing with his arms crossed. "They aren't even married yet."

"Dad, we talked about this already. We will get married in the next few months. Besides, he didn't leave me after all of this. Isn't that what matters?"

"Fine. Now let me see my two angels."

The rest of the evening went by with everyone comparing the babies to me and Tae. Two days later, we were allowed to go home. Rose had decorated the whole house to welcome us back.

I put the babies to sleep in the nursery and return to our bedroom. He was already lying down in bed, scrolling through his phone. I lie down beside him and he puts one hand under me and pulls me towards him.

"Baby, now what?"

"What do you mean? You want to go me to go through pregnancy again?" I ask confused about his question.

"Not anytime soon, please. However, I would like to see you go through pregnancy because I missed most of it." He puts his phone away and gives me all his attention. "Maybe I can add one more painting onto the wall then." We look at his wall. His wall now had only paintings of me. I also hung the painting that I made of him.

"Maybe, our babies will be great artists too," I mention and he nods with a smile.

"Let's go to sleep now. You must be tired." He switches off the light and wraps his arms around me.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Who am I to you?"

He doesn't even look at me. "The love of my life, my everything, you are everything I always hoped I have; loving, caring, dumb, beautiful, so dumb, pure and everything. You just make me feel at home."

His voice slowly fades into the darkness and I lay in his arm thinking about every word he said. He did call me dumb but I liked it.

I cuddle him and fall asleep in between his arms.

"Jennie..." I hear a sleepy voice near my ear.


"They are awake..." I open my eyes and sit up straight. I hear the cries coming from the other room. I run to the nursery and see both Atlas and Akira crying. I take Akira into my arms and walk over to Atlas. I try to make them both stop crying but it wasn't working. Atlas was crying even louder now.

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