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He takes me to a log nearby and we sit down. People passing by gave me a weird look, probably because I was still in my pyjamas.

"He raped his own girlfriend in high school." I look at him in shock but he continued to stare at the sea. "The girl's parent's made a complaint to the police but no action was taken because dad paid some huge amount to get him out of it. The girl got pregnant and I had to look into it. I send money to her every month."

"What if it's someone else's child?" I don't know what I was saying but I just couldn't believe it.

"Really Jennie? You don't believe me, do you? Your boyfriend is a freak. That is not the only thing he did. He recorded him having sex with a girl and leaked the video. That girl's parents chased her away from her house and she showed up at our doorstep hoping that Kyle would accept her. She also believed in her boyfriend. She didn't know it was him who leaked the fucking video! Dad obviously saved him once again." Taehyungs voice is filled with disgust and I sit beside him in shock.

"He has millions of girls all over the country. You are just one of them. Get away from him. Please."

"Tae, we are not dating," I tell him the truth.

"What? You just said you are, yesterday."

"It was all a part of a plan. Kylian came up with the idea of seeing if you would get jealous of us dating. He knows that you rejected me but he doesn't know anything about what happened between us. I am sorry for lying to you." I just had to stop this. If what Taehyung said was true, that would mean that there was a chance that Kylian would do something like that to me and I cannot let that happen.

"Why are you revealing your plan?" Taehyung asks with a playful smirk on his face.

"Because it's not working. I don't want to waste time on you. I will surely be able to make up my mind. After all, you did make it clear that you do not fall in love."

"About that..." He turns me to face him. I don't look at his face because I was too sad and embarrassed. He places his hand under my chin and lifts it. "Can I be honest with you and will you not stop loving me?" I nod, even though I had no idea what information he was about to throw at me.

"I am not the best with girls okay. I haven't had a single girlfriend before and the first time I was interested in was you. When I saw you holding Luca in your hand, I just wanted to squeeze you. Not like in a bad way. You know what I am trying to say right? See I can't even confess my feelings properly." He lets go of my chin and look down.

I chuckle at how this cold-hearted man can look so adorable. "Can you please continue? I love this Taehyung."

"You do?" I nod. "Very well then. So as I was saying, you are the first girl to make me go crazy. I might have stalked you a bit and when you were standing in my room I just couldn't control myself. Then when everything was done, I was starting to panic if I would be able to treat you right. That is why I walked away from you every time but obviously, I loved you the whole time."

"Okay, so do you love me right now?" I wait for his answer. He nods slightly. I decided to give him a tiny punishment for making me go through all that. "Oh, so you don't. It's okay I under-"

He crashes his lips against mine proving me wrong. He shows me how much he loves me with that kiss. His arms around me, mine around him, our bodies slighting brushing against each other. Even though I have kissed him before, this felt like a new experience. His tongue that tasted of peppermint, slid into mine and brushed against mine.

He cupped my cheeks in his hand as he deepened the kiss and increased the emotions the both of us were feeling. His wet plump lips take mine between his. I felt his hot breath fill up my inside.

"Jennie!" I pull away and look in the direction of the voice.

Rose and Jimin were standing, staring at us with pure shock in their face.

"Wait, are you not dating Kylian?" Jimin asks as they walk up to us.

"Nope. We are just classmates." I do not tell the reason for us to act so romantically.

"So you two are a thing?" Jimin asks and both of us nod. "Aww. That's cute. No wonder you protected her from the water."

"What are you both doing here?"

"Well we came out of the house to do exactly what you both were doing but now we have to go further away." We laugh at Jimin's little confession.

"I don't think that would be necessary. You can have our little spot. We are going back home." Taehyung says, getting up. I follow him. Rose was standing, still blushing at what Jimin said. I smirk at her right before leaving them alone. We walk along the beach with our hands locked between each other. I can't stop smiling. So are we a thing now?

We arrive at the mansion and see Kylian and Mr Kim sitting outside, one on the phone, the other on the newspaper. We let go of each other's hands and walk towards them.

"Where did you go? She still hasn't had her breakfast." Mr Kim says the very second he sees us. Taehyung looks down at me. I smile with all my teeth out and run inside the house to fill myself up. I change into a pair of white shorts and a blue top first and then go back downstairs into the kitchen to see what was there for breakfast. Mrs Konoval introduced herself to me while she made me mini pancakes. We had a tiny conversation until Kylian showed up. He sat beside me as I ate.

"It seems like the plan is done." I almost choke on my pancakes. How did he know? Did Tae tell him? "It's obvious. You are glowing as I have never seen before. He is smiling to himself. So are you both dating?" I nod and continue to focus on my breakfast.

"That's great." He gets up and walks into his room. I start replaying everything that Taehyung said back on the beach. Is Kylian actually like that? He was so kind and thoughtful. He never showed any other intentions. He helped me get closer to Tae. Maybe he has changed after he learnt his lessons.

"Hey." Taehyung's voice snaps me out of my thought. I look up at the perfect man staring at me across the table. "Lost in thought about me?" He smiles. I loved this Taehyung. What made him think that he wouldn't be good enough? He is perfect already.

"Jennie, shall we go for a swim afterwards?" I nod instead of replying because my mouth was stuffed with pancakes. I loved these tiny ones so much that I put about four inside at once. Tae lets out a laugh. "You look like a little chipmunk. Cute." He is the one who looks cute right now. He was blushing. 

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