Chapter 1 - An uneventful morning

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The sound of Kaminari's alarm clock echoed around his once quiet room. Still tired he struggled to open his eyes. Mineta had kept him up most of the night sending him photos of attractive girls and rating them on their looks. His blinds were closed from the night before so the room was fairly dark. It was nice and cozy under his blanket. He really didn't want to leave it but he had to go to school. If he didn't and just said he felt 'sick' Iida would have to check up on him and Kaminari would get caught lying.

"Ughhh. I guess I should get up so Iida doesn't start lecturing me on how to wake up on time." Kaminari sighed in defeat.

He sat up slowly so his head didn't ache from moving to fast. His bare feet felt the cold floor against them when he sat. Sitting on the end of the bed, he straightened his back and felt the relief of cracks in his spine.

When he was fully awake Kaminari stood up and went to open his blinds. After he did that, he was on his way to get clothes from his draws to change into when he saw his reflection in the mirror. The person staring back at him looked completely different to the person he saw the night before. The person staring back at him had messy hair with various bits covering parts of his face, light purple bags under his eyes — they weren't that noticeable but they were still there — and it looked like he was squinting but that was just from the sunlight coming in his window.

"I was expecting worse." He chuckled for a moment then dragged himself to get changed.

Once Kaminari was finished getting dressed he heard a knock on his dorm door.

"Who is it?" Kaminari yelled.

"Mineta. Now hurry up before you miss breakfast!" A purple grape headed boy answered with a slight lisp.

"I'm coming, just hold on a sec." Kaminari responded.

Kaminari walked back over to his mirror. He had his school uniform on now. A white button up t-shirt tucked into a pair of long green pants with a red tie to complete it. His hair was still a bit messy so he ran his fingers through it a couple of times so it didn't look as bad as his bed hair. Taking one last look at himself his nodded his head in acceptance then walked out the door to meet with Mineta.

Word count - 427

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