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Year 1910, a new era had slowly took over the world.

With new inventions ranging from the printing press to the new transportation methods. The high class, low class and even royalty all continue to work and earn money to either spend, flaunt or survive.

Among them, the most powerful kingdom strives to be the best of the best.

The Ha Kingdom,most commonly known as The Great Ha Kingdom.

With it's rich agriculture industry,
has provided the other kingdoms with almost 80% of crops, food and even textile.

Their royal family silently rules over their peaceful but still beautiful kingdom. The king and queen ever so generous and caring towards their subjects, that they earn the rightful respect and loyalty from the citizens.

'Treat your subjects well... You shall also earn the respect and care from the citizens.'

That was the exact line, King YoonChul taught his children when he sat on his throne.

The Ha Kingdom had 1 prince and 2 princesses.

First up the Grand Prince HaRu, although a chick magnet he is known for being a very loyal gentleman to his fiancée. He is the spitting image of his father.

Tall, handsome and charismatic. Someone who would most likely protect all his family members including his two younger sisters.

Moving on to the princesses....

Princess Ha EunByeol, A introverted and almost mysterious female who usually just stays in her room or stays with her mother, the queen.

Princess EunByeol is known to be the youngest and is extremely sweet and kind. Although she is known to be feisty with people she doesn't like. She is a skilled waltz dancer and a pianist.

Lastly, presumably the most famous one of them all.

The Grand Princess of the Ha Kingdom was known to be very beautiful and kind hearted.

Princess Ha Rona, sometimes stubborn and rebellious. She is the middle child and one of the most famous princesses.

Other kingdoms tend to write up letters and send offers for courtship from their respective princes but somehow she finds ways to turn them all down and continue to live her free spirited life.

It was no lie that every kingdom yearned and wanted to at least be close to the Ha Royal family. But it wasn't that easy considering how they had their own circle of friends.

From the day the Ha Children were born.

The King and Queen of the neighboring Lee Kingdom had been good and close friends of King Yoonchul and Queen Yoonhee.

Making the Lee Royal family's children childhood friends of the Ha's.

The 3 Princes of the Lee Kingdom were very famous and notorious for their charm and looks.

No doubt, The Grand Prince Lee DoHyun was known for his respectful attitude and handsome features.

After that, the second child among the princes.

Prince Lee Kang, Kang is the tallest and probably the most handsome of the Lee brothers.

Although young and somehow sometimes still childish, he had to undertake the hardest task as prince to be arranged into a forced marriage to the eldest princess of the Joo Kingdom.

But having a mature mindset, overtime he had learned to respect and love his wife.

Lastly, the youngest and probably most childish of the brothers.

Prince Lee Minhyuk, is the most notorious one in terms of being known as the Casanova of the brothers.

Handsome, charming and playful. He was the active one and crazy one.

Although, he is pretty arrogant. Prince Minhyuk tends to behave only when he is with Princess Rona. His childhood friend and not so secret first love.

Moving on from the Lee Kingdom, we move on to the smaller but still famous kingdom.

The Joo Kingdom, reigned by the King and Queen who wasn't really that bad but wasn't really that good.

Citizens usually thrived and lived through simple jobs like fishing and hunting.

The Joo Kingdom had 3 daughters and 1 son.

First, the one and onmy prince who is known for his cold attitude but dashing looks.

Prince Joo Seokhoon, although a handsome and built young man. He is mysterious and introverted. The prince has never been the type to socialize and is the typical cold city guy.

He is one of the most famous bachelors among the princes.

And finally, the 3 sisters of the Prince.

The Grand Princess Joo Seola, Princess Joo Seokkyung and Princess Joo HyeIn.

None needs to be said about the 3 except that they are well known to be the feisty bunch.

People tend to get intimidated or even annoyed with Joo Sisters due to their loud nature and b*tchy attitudes. A huge contrast from their brother.

Although they are extroverts, the Princesses of the Joo Kingdom are well known for their numerous talents in the arts.

Of course, that wasn't the end....

There were still tons of kingdoms that exist but they were the much smaller and in a way weaker kingdoms.

Take the Yoo Kingdom for instance, their only princess.

Princess Yoo Jenny, are close friends with the royal children of the Ha and Joo Kingdom.

Although, her kingdom isn't that huge or powerful. Her parents, the queen and king have close relationships with the king and queen of the 2 respective kingdoms.

It was no lie that the 1910's was the symbol of numerous modern wars and also a time/ era when the industrial revolution brought significant change to the culture and further ideology.

This was no different from the rich and famous royal families who reigned and took power.

Although still mixed with the medieval and almost victorian style in the monarchy system.....

The youth culture had changed and waved its influence on the almost stoic and stiff crown.

And with that, the lives of the royal children start to entangle and mix....

Until it was inevitably too late for them to press the rewind button and start from base 0.

Messy love stories, rivalries and family secrets whether it be dark ones or happy ones start to unravel.

But as the children who were born out of duty and position... Will they ever even lead happy lives?

Among them 3 individuals will soon find themselves in a messed up triangle. One that may hurt old friendships and new ones. One that may also.... End in a bloodbath.

Author's Notes :

This work is purely fiction, all Penthouse, Extraordinary You and other characters belong to their original creators. Also, most historical references are created by the author but often inspired by the beautiful references from Pinterest and lessons in history. As the author is a history student and lover of the books. She has taken few inspirations from the Russian Imperial period, Renaissance, Tudor and medieval era.

Take note that this is completely fictional and not at all historically accurate.

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