5// Coup De Foudre

239 22 4

Year 1890
Lee Kingdom
Palais d'été

The chirping of the birds filled the beautiful gardens of the beautiful palace of the Lee Kingdom.

The Palais d'été, literally meaning the Summer Palace is known to be one of the most famous palaces around the world only next to the Palais de la rêverie of the Ha Kingdom.

It was a important occasion as the kings of the Lee and Joo Kingdom had decided on meeting up for a series of talks on a possible betrothal for their children

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It was a important occasion as the kings of the Lee and Joo Kingdom had decided on meeting up for a series of talks on a possible betrothal for their children.

A 5 year old young Prince Seokhoon runs around the palace gardens as he somehow managed to escape his nanny's tight guard on him.

Finally free from the restraints of the adults, the young prince ran around the beautiful grounds of the summer palace.

With his curiosity peaked, the little boy finds a butterfly and tries to catch it. Running around and jumping up and down, he tries to grab it but it seems to go faster and faster as it goes.

Not paying attention to the path forward, the young prince finds himself colliding onto something...

No ---- someone


As he massages his forehead, the young male looks up to cross eyes eith a pair of beautiful sparkly hazel eyes.

He was charmed

Seokhoon freezes as he gazes at the beautiful girl who stood in front of him. She was also around his age and surely was someone who also belonged to the upper class due to her clothing and appearance.

She wore a beautiful beige gown with a little golden flower tiara on her tied up brunette hair.

Reaching her tiny hands out to him, this action snaps the prince out of his thoughts as he tilts his head in confusion at the girl.

'I'm so sorry

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'I'm so sorry.... I should've been looking in front of me. Please don't tell my mother, I'll give you my sugar candies as compensation for your shirt.'

Not even realizing what she meant, Seokhoon looks down at his tunic and finds a little splatter of paint on his sash.

Thank goodness, his sash was of a navy blue color making the splatter of paint not even recognizable or obvious.

Waving his hands in front of him shyly, the young prince shakes his head with his wide eyes.

With a shaky voice, Seokhoon replies as he tries to avoid eye contact with the beautiful girl.

'I--it's o-okay...

It isn't noticeable, m-my nanny wo-on' t even notice it. '

The young girl nods in relief as a bright and innocent smile appears on her face.

' Oh yeah!!! Where are my manners? Nice to meet you, I am the grand princess of the Ha Kingdom.... Princess Rona

And you are? '

With a shy voice and shaky hands, Seokhoon accepts the princess's hand and nods timidly.

'I'm Seokhoon.... It's also nice to meet you.'

The young princess giggles as she observes the boy's face.

'Your very funny and cute.....
Seokhoon ssi,

It's the first time I have seen someone with such a red face.'

As Rona giggles and covers her mouth, Seokhoon who was panicked and embarrassed at his red face tries to pat his cheeks and turns around to hide his flushed face.

' Don't be shy..... If you have nothing to do. Would you want to play with me for a while?'

Looking up at the girl, Seokhoon finally gets a full glimpse of the princess.

She was the epitome and maind definition of beautiful, although they were just 5 years olds. Seokhoon had identified her as beautiful after looking at his mother.

As a 5 year old who barely went out at all, Seokhoon had considered the standsrd beauty as someone like his mother. It was also significant to mention that Queen Suryeon was well known for her youthful beauty despite her age.

After observing and scanning the girl's face, Seokhoon would always engrave her picture on his mind.

Her big and sparkly hazel colored eyes and long eyelashes. The rosy tint of her slightly chubby cheeks and most importantly her plump and pink lips.

She was perfect.....

Seokhoon may not have known from then considering he was still a child, but his heart would have started to beat for the girl only which would eventually continue on until the present.

Rona had asked the young boy to join her on a little playtime. They had ran around picking up random flower and sat down near the fountains to create their own flower rings.

It was sloppily made but it was still fun for both children as they grew closer over the short time.

'RONA YAH!!!!'

A loud male voice breaks the little friendly moment, jumping a little Rona frantically climbs down the marble fountain and smiles at Seokhoon.

'I think I have to go now, but here's a little something to remember me by. Also use it to wipe the little stain, who knows it might be magic.'

Handing him a mini pink silk and embroidered handkerchief. The little girl rushes off even before the young prince could utter anything.

Confused and flustered at her sudden exit, Seokhoon looks down at the little hanky. It smelled exactly like her, with hints of floral scent and the incense pocket that she wore on her gown.

Grinning at himself, Seokhoon would not have known back then but perhaps it was already appropriate to label it as the moment Joo Seokhoon fell for Ha Rona at first sight.

Running back into the huge palace doors, Rona pants as she is met by the owner of the loud voice.

'Yah!!! Ha Rona, where did you go? I only told you to get the watercolor.... Did you go somewhere and daydream again?'

The little princess pouts and crosses her short arms together.

'No, I didnt.... Don't be too harsh on me Lee Minhyuk!!! But I met a friend.'

The little boy scoffs as he fixed his sash and replies with his teasing and loud voice.

'It must be another one of those imaginary friends of yours again... Come on, your mother and father will be here to fetch you back to your kingdom soon.'

As the prince walked forward, Rona pouts as she looks back at the entrance of the garden.

'What are you doing slowpoke? Let's go!!!!'

As Minhyuk yells for the princess, Rona finally turns back and runs towards her friend giving up her thoughts of actually going back to the garden to see her new friend.

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now