4// Taking Advantage Of One's Heart

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Year 1910
Joo Kingdom
Palais de la paix

It was mid afternoon, when the sun shined the brightest and scorched its hottest heat.

In the usual busy and small Joo Kingdom stood a light grey castle. It was probably the buggest and most luxurious structure ever built in the small kingdom.

With green vines that hanged and covered parts of the cobblestone walls

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With green vines that hanged and covered parts of the cobblestone walls. It was a beautiful castle nevertheless.

Named the Palais de la paix, it's literal translation the Palace of Peace. Although in reality it was far from being a peaceful palace.

There was a slight contrast between the Kings of the Ha and Joo kingdom. The king of the Joo kingdom was the cold arrogant type. It may seem as if he was heartless but he wasn't really completely evil. He just craved power and wealth.

In the beautiful dim and candlelit dining hall. The royal family sat in silence as they ate their lunch.

The king with his stoic and strict demeanor on the head table and his queen, a sweet but silent woman sat just beside him.

From the sides of the table sat 2 princesses and 1 prince.

Princess Seokkyung and Princess HyeIn sat beside their mother as they observed proper behavior and ate their food with the proper posture and silence that their father wanted.

From across the queen and princesses sat the one and only prince of the Joo kingdom.

Prince Seokhoon poked his food as he tried to avoid the tensed and almost awkward ambience of the dinner table.

Thankfully, the thick silence would be broken at the entrance of the butler. A middle aged man who wore his velvet ruffle uniform held a rolled up and wax sealed parchment paper.

Bowing politely to greet the royal family, the man smiles and speaks.

'Your majesty, I have brought to you an urgent letter from her royal highness the Princess Seola....

It is apparently a invitation from the king and queen of the Great Ha Kingdom.'

At the mere mention of the Ha Kingdom, Dantae's ears perk up as he smirks and beckons the butler to give the paper to him.

Quickly unraveling the scroll, Dantae smirks as he glances at Suryeon.

' What is it? '

Dantae hands the scroll to his wife and clasps his hands together. Standing from his chair, he smiles as if he had been triumphant and grips onto the gold linings of his huge chair.

'The Ha kingdom will have a ball to celebrate the youngest princess's birthday. King Yoonchul has just invited us a week early to stay at their palace.'

Suryeon looks up and tilts her head as she asks in her low voice.

'Will we accept it?'

Dantae chuckles and nods.

'It's the Great Ha Kingdom that's inviting us... Of course, we should go. It's a huge chance for us to make more connections.

Having Seola marry into the Lee Kingdom didn't help us much at all. That prick, Lee KyuJin was useless.'

As Dantae cursed out his in law, a smirk appears on his face as he focuses his attention on his silent son.

' Seokhoon ah....

If I remember correctly.... You've always had been infatuated with the Ha Kingdom's eldest daughter.

I approve of your choice.'

Looking up at his father in confusion, Seokhoon scrunches his face and tilts his head in confusion.

As expected, a father would know every single thing about his son.

' What do you mean by that your majesty? '

Seokhoon replies in his icy and low tone.

'Son.... It's about time we put your feelings into good use.

I recommend courting the Princess and earning her trust. She would be an amazing and precious asset to our kingdom. Having connections and becoming a family with the Ha' s will help our kingdom's economy and we'll be able to gain more power and respect from the neighboring kingdoms. '

Seokhoon could only sigh silently as he listened to his father's obsession with power.

From across the table the 2 princesses gazed at their brother partly from pity and relief.

One, their father approved and would support Seokhoon of his feelings towards the wide eyed princess.

But two, their father was using his feelings and forcing him to pursue the female just for gaining power and wealth.

The dashing prince could only politely nod as his father continued to rant about the Ha's and power.

His sisters almost had to stop themselves from rolling their eyes as they silently scoffed at their father for his obsession over gold and wealth.

After lunch, the 3 siblings gathered at the music lounge.

The prince silently settled in front of the neoclassical designed wooden oak table.

Reaching out towards the small drawer compartment, the male brings out a beautifully embroidered pink lace satin handkerchief.

A smile appears on the prince's face, stroking the beautiful and intricate embroidered name on the silk cloth. He admires and almost daydreams about something.

'I see it is true that you haven't gone over your childhood crush over her yet oppa...?'

Startled at the sudden appearance of his two sisters, the prince tries to hide the handkerchief but gives up anyways.

'Oppa, shouldn't you at least try now? You've been crushing on her since what age 5?'

Tracing outlines on the cloth, Seokhoon could only smile as he replies in a low tone.

'She.... Probably doesn't even remember me. What's the point?'

Princess Seokkyung scoffs at her twin and swiftly snatches the handkerchief out of her brother's hands.

Panicked and startled at her actions, the prince tries to reach for it but Seokkyung waves her hand to stop him from moving around.

' That's why appa is telling you to go and make yourself known.... After thinking about it, I think it isn't bad. You have a chance now.... Don't you?'

Flinging the silk handkerchief back onto her brother's hands. Seokkyung beckons HyeIn to follow her as they leave their dazed brother alone to think and contemplate about it himself.

Looking down at the little cloth, Seokhoon smiles as he thinks about the owner of the handkerchief.

Gently and softly tracing the embroidered characters that form her name.

Seokhoon thinks back to 20 years earlier, the year 1890.

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now