14// Please Never Leave Me

200 21 12

Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

Clapping his hands, Dantae laughs and replies with a rather bright voice.

'Yes, that would be such a good thing for our families.

My children would be delighted to get to know your children.'

With a slightly uncomfortable but also satisfied smile. Yoonchul nods and sets down his coffee filled china cup.

Looking back up he grins charismatically and speaks.

'Well, I know how you must still want to rest up for tomorrow.... I won't keep you here much longer.

It was very nice to talk to you again King Dantae and of course, it was nice to meet you Prince Seokhoon.'

Turning his head to the other side, Yoonchul gives Minhyuk a fatherly smile and gently pats the prince's shoulder.

'I'll see you tomorrow at the ball, send your father my regards and of course to my dearest Rona.

Have a safe trip back to your kingdom, son.'

As Prince Minhyuk and Prince Seokhoon simultaneously stand. Both princes politely clasp their hands in front and silently perform a respectful 90° bow.

And here the tension filled group disperses and goes on their own ways.

King Dantae and Prince Seokhoon walk the huge hallways of the Palais de la rêverie in silence. It was clear to anyone that the king of the Joo Kingdom was not happy at all just based on his expressions.

Abruptly stopping from his tracks, the king turns around and faces his son with a smirk on his face.

'Son, I want you to step up your game. It seems like Kyujin, that loser is one step ahead of us.

Now... I don't want to be disappointed, I trust that you know and understand your mission.'

Clasping both of his hands in front, the prince simply nods and bows his head respectfully.

He could simply do nothing.... at that moment Prince Seokhoon felt so worthless.

Unable to do anything but follow his greedy father, he could probably compare himself to a little puppy.

A puppy who could do nothing but follow its owner around.

Meanwhile, In the huge gates of the beautiful palace.

Prince Lee Minhyuk huffs in pure annoyance as he walks back to his escorts.

'Joo Seokhoon that bastard..... We'll see, the princess is mine and mine only.

Nothing and no one will steal her from me... ever.'

'Oh my goodness!!! Your highness, your back...hurry, help the prince up his horse... Make sure to be gent---'

Cutting Equerry Lee's words, Lee Minhyuk violently shoves through his servants and rushes to jump up his White Persian horse.

Without saying much, he leaves all his servants flustered as he rides off leaving all of them in panic.

'Your highness.... Please wait for us, don't rush you'll be hurt.'

'Hurry!!!! Go and follow after the prince, he can't get hurt.'

And just like that, the servants and guards who came with the prince all rushed in panic. Eventually they would catch up with Minhyuk but they knew better than to utter a word since it was obvious to anyone looking that he was pretty pissed off at that moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now