1// Palais de la rêverie

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Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

Groaning sounds could be heard as the scorching sun shows itself and greets the people with its hot and bright presence.

People in the Ha Kingdom woke up as usual and went on with their daily lives.

Some opening up their shops to serve breakfast to the workers and common people. In the center and heary of the busy kingdom, a beautiful and humongous palace shined and sparkled. Basically flaunting its glory and luxury to any passerby who saw it.

Palais de la rêverie, one of the most famous castles in the world. Translated from french with it's literal meaning 'The Palace of Daydreams'.

It was almost shining and glowing even under the bright sunlight. The main reason it had it's name was literal. It was a palace where everyone wanted to live in and it was a palace that never lost its beauty and grandeur even during the day.

The high ceilings had beautiful and intricately designed and made gold and precious stone carvings mixed with the numerous Renaissance style paintings from famous and historical artisans

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The high ceilings had beautiful and intricately designed and made gold and precious stone carvings mixed with the numerous Renaissance style paintings from famous and historical artisans.

It was simply the perfect palace fit for a king, with polished and beautiful marble floors.

The beautiful neoclassical castle had numerous rooms that spanned from bedrooms for the royal family and even guest rooms. It also had its huge and grand ballrooms, private gardens and music rooms plus a lot more others.

Back to a room, female groans and huffs could be heard as the servants and castle attendants walk around to prepare for the day.

Inside the beautiful and luxurious neoclassical bedroom, the eldest female of the royal family.....

Princess Rona gripped onto her bed's wooden post as her lady in waiting struggled to tie up her corset.

It was indeed a gruesome and painful task, the corsets hurt like hell but as princesses who were expected to be dressed perfectly and act prim and proper. They simply had no choice but to wear those dreadful things.

As Mrs

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As Mrs. Kim, Rona's lady in waiting struggled to tie up the corset ribbons, she suddenly notices a familiar man by the doorway.

A slight smirk appears on the middle aged female's face as she politely nods at the dashing and tall male.

Prince Lee Minhyuk, leaned on the doorframe and smiled at Mrs. Kim with his boyish grin.

Putting his finger in front of his mouth, Minhyuk silently orders the elder female to leave the room and leave the oblivious princess to him.

Realizing and understanding Minhyuk's intentions, the lady in waiting chuckles and makes up an excuse.

'Well, your highness....i just forgot her majesty the queen asked me to be at her chamber....so if you'll excuse me---

While I leave you for a few seconds.'

Confused and already frustrated, Rona was about to turn around and confront her servant until a pair of strong arms find their way on her waist. Wrapping her in a strong back hug.

The huge white and gold doors close, and soon enough a thick silence takes over the bedroom.

Rona rolls her eyes as she speaks up in her annoyed voice.

'Lee Minhyuk!!! What brings you here early in the morning? Don't you have anything better to do?'

The male scoffs as he boldly leans down to bury his face on the princess's bare neck.

'I came to see you of course.... Didn't expect you to be so feisty early in the morning. Shouldn't you at least greet me with a kiss?'

Before he could even press his lips on her skin, the princess breaks free from his hold and chuckles almost playfully.

' Yeah, yeah.... Dream on
Stop flirting with me cause I won't return any of your intentions to you. '

Minhyuk chuckles and plops down onto the already made and organizef bed.

'Ouch!!! That's probably the hundredth time you've rejected me.... But oh well, if it's you I'll wait for a thousand of year at must.'

Shaking her head, Rona stands in front of the full body mirror and groans.

'Yah!!! Instead of messing up my bed, come here and tie the corset up for me. If you've came to bother my peaceful morning again.... At least make yourself useful.'

Minhyuk grins and stands from the fluffy mattress, as he stands behind the princess. He effortlessly ties up the knots and ribbons, securing the corset on the female's body.

One would usually think it's odd, how a female and male could stand together with no awkwardness at all.

Technically, the princess was still in her full undergarments. Although, they didn't show much skin... It was still something that you wouldn't usually show to others unless it's your lady in waiting.

But here comes the explanation, Prince Lee Minhyuk and Princess Bae Rona have been friends since they were babies.

They grew up together and basically went through almost every milestone together.

On his flirtatious actions though...

It was no secret to anyone that the beautiful wide eyed princess was off limits despite being single.


Because it was also not a secret that Prince Minhyuk had always liked and harbored feelings for his childhood friend and believe it or not...

He makes no attempt to hide or deny it rather he shows it openly and says it confidently to let her know.

At first, it was burdensome to the female but as time passed and years went by. She's became comfortable and cool with Minhyuk's flirty moves and actions. It almost became sort of like a natural thing and a joke between the two friends now.

After helping the princess into her beautiful white and gold embroidered gown.

The young prince silently wears his white silk gloves and smirks as he reaches his arms out for the princess to hold on.

'Our families are waiting..... How about we make a grand late entrance together babe?'

Rolling her eyes for who knows probably the 10th time since Minhyuk's entrance. Rona links her arms with the prince and nudges him to start moving.

But even before they could exit the bedroom, Rona speaks in her soft but annoyed voice.

' Stop calling me babe you bastard.'

Hence the endless childish bickering starts yet again.

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now