6// A Split Decision

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Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

'Your majesty, forgive me if I am crossing the line but on behalf of your subjects.... We must tell you what is being said by the citizens outside of palace walls.'

Looking up from the scrolls of documents, Yoonchul crosses eyes with his loyal servant.

Nodding his head, Yoonchul replies in his kingly and deep voice.

' What is it? '

Butler Kim, a middle-aged man who silently assists Yoonchul replies with his now timid and almost hushed voice.

'People are talking about her royal highness.... The grand princess.'

Scrunching his face in confusion, Yoonchul tilts his head and replies.

'About Rona? What about her?'

Gulping down the nervousness in his throat, the butler replies.

'Her royal highness is now 25....the people are making gossips and talks about her being....'

With a hesitant tone, the butler continues after a few seconds of observing YoonChul's facial expressions.


Looking up at his loyal servant, Yoonchul sighs and stands from his golden throne slightly startling the latter.

Crossing his arms in front, Yoonchul walks down the steps leading to his throne prompting the butler to follow behind him.

'Unmarried.... They say?

Well, don't worry too much Butler Kim. Those are just some little gossips that I will not tolerate.

My daughter will get married very soon, I am just waiting until she is ready. As said before, I have promised King Lee to marry Rona and Prince Minhyuk when the right time comes.'

Titling his head at the king's statement. Butler Kim bows his head and interjects with a timid voice.

' The youngest prince of the Lee Kingdom.... Your majesty? '

Turning around to face the butler, Yoonchul straightens his face and nods.

' Is there a problem Butler Kim?'

Quickly shaking his head, the middle aged man looks downward and steps back a little.

' No, no your majesty.... I wouldn't dare contradict any of your decisions.'

Chuckling, Yoonchul walks forward and pats the butler's shoulder.

' Butler Kim.... You've worked here eversince I was a little boy. You've watched me marry the love of my life, watched me start a huge famiky of my own. You know me more than anyone else, which also means I know you more than anyone else.

Please.... If you have something to tell me, do continue. '

Butler Kim grins as he nods and clasps his hands together. With his now brighter but still polite tone, he continues.

'Thank you for your amazing thoughts your majesty. Indeed, I have watched and stayed by your side for such a long time.

Hence, please allow this servant to tell you about certain decisions that might change and impact our kingdom's economy and status.'

Smiling, Yoonchul nods and speaks.

' Do continue. '

As Yoonchul walks back towards his throne, he listens at the butler's reply intently.

' Your majesty, your subject wants to inform you about the dilemmas our great kingdom has been going through.

The ministers and parliament members have been complaining about your close friendship with his majesty the king of the Lee Kingdom.

It is no secret that we have gave much aide and support to the Lee Kingdom, but the ministers all suggest a integration with another kingdom. As you probably already know, despite our great kingdom being rich in economy. We do lack a lot, in terms of armory and alliances. '

Sighing and massaging his forehead, Yoonchul slightly unbottons the golden cuffs on his white navy tunic uniform' s sleeve.

'I understand and know the problems, you have specifically mentioned.

So who do they suggest we forge a alliance with?'

With a slightly hushed but serious tone, Butler Kim walks forward as if not wanting others to hear what he was about to say.

'The ministers have been meaning to suggest.....

A arranged marriage between her royal highness the grand princess and the prince of the Joo Kingdom.'

A tensed and thick layer of tension and silence takes over the great throne hall.

Yoonchul freezes as he processes the butler's reply. With his eyes widened, he turns around almost tripping his servant.

' You mean the JOO KINGDOM!!!?? '

' Yes, your majesty.... Although the Joo Kingdom may not be powerful economically. It is one of the top kingdoms that have rich amount of minerals, weaponry and....one of the possible great military allies.'

Plopping down on his throne, Yoonchul scrunches his face in frustration as he processes all the information fo a while.

Looking back up at Butler Kim, he nods and replies in a exhausted and frustrated tone.

' I understand.... Thank you very much for your insights.

Considering Rona hasn't made a decision yet, It shall also take some time before I officially think and decide on a possible marriage.

For now, please do not mention this to anyone. Not even my wife. '

As the middle aged butler nods and retires back to the outside. Yoonchul could only slump back on his throne and sigh.

' I already promised KyuJin..... What do I do? It's not like I can deny or reject parliament either.

Think Yoonchul ah, think. '

Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

Meanwhile somewhere inside the great golden palace. The royal Ha siblings gather in a huge room that looked like a tailor's studio.

Numerous threads, silk and feathers lay around the room. Heck, there was even multiple spinning wheels sitting around.

'Master Pierre, you did an amazing job yet again. DanOh will surely love this fit on me considering her dress is also maroon.'

Prince HaRu grins and compliments the head tailor as he scans himself in front of the huge mirror.

It was no lie that Prince HaRu was extremely handsome, like his father. He had a charm whenever he smiled and spoke. Dressed in a newly embroidered and designed maroon princely tunic, his dashing and almost manly figure shined as he stood proudly with his golden sword in hand and revolver attached to his belt.

Rolling her eyes at her brother, Eunbyeol groans as she smooths out her new gown near the corner with a little help from her lady in waiting.

Turning around to check on his sister, HaRu grins and claps his hand.

'What seems to be the problem princess? Your gown looks exquisite on you.'

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now