9// Tumultuous Mission

195 22 9

Year 1910
Joo Kingdom
Palais de la paix

A series of knocks fill the throne hall as King Dantae wrote and worked with his quill pen and piles of parchment scrolls in silence.

'His Royal Highness, the Prince is entering.'

Looking up from the document, King Dantae smirks and speaks with his booming and commanding voice.

'Let him in.'

As if on cue, the huge marble doors soon open up simultaneously revealing the dashing prince who stood tall wearing his dark navy and gold embroidered tunic.

With a slightly bowed head, the prince greets his father politely and stands tall with a few inches of distance from the throne.

Chuckling and setting the feather quill pen down, King Dantae rises from his throne and claps his hands with a mysterious and odd bright grin.

'Oh!!! My son, thank goodness you came as soon as I called....

I have something extremely important to discuss with you. Come over here and sit down for a while.'

King Dantae walks over to the corner of the huge hall and takes a sit on one of the beautiful parisian velvet armchairs, prompting his son to take a sit from across of him.

Prince Seokhoon could only silently pour the steaming hot tea for his father.

It was clear as day, they didn't have a carefree relationship as a family.

To be honest, it wasn't also a secret to anyone looking in.

King Dantae was a cold and bitter man.

Cold towards his children and wife and bitter due to his failure on making his kingdom the most powerful and famous of all.

After serving his father the tea, Seokhoon leans back and sits on the armchair with his back straightened and stiff.

Observing his son's stiff and awkward actions from the side, Dantae sips the tea and chuckles.

Of course, this startles Seokhoon considering his father was acting weird and unlike himself. But instead of looking up, he kept quiet and fixate his gaze on his lap.

'Well.... Don't act too stiff Seokhoon ah.

I called you today because I want to discuss about our trip to the Ha Kingdom in a few days.'

Finally turning his head to look at his father, the prince nods and replies.

'Yes, your majesty.... Please do proceed.'

Grinning and crossing his legs together, Dantae continues in a sing song voice.

'Considering we're arriving 1 day early for Princess Eunbyeol's ball. I want you to look good in front of Princess Rona.'

Seokhoon almost had to ask his father if what he heard was even right. As he processes his father's statement, the prince's eyes widen and finally he replies in a half shocked / serious tone.

' You mean Her Royal Highness the Grand Princess of the Ha Kingdom? What do you exactly mean, your majesty?'

Rolling his eyes in an almost humorous way, the middle aged king reaches his hand out to pat his son's shoulder.

'I'm telling you to go ahead and start with courtship. Don't you like the princess?

I'm approving the marriage so start formally courting her.'

Flustered at his father's sudden request, the prince's eyes literally trembles as he struggled to explain to the king.

' Fa---Father, I do not mean to defy you but... I do not understand

Just, how and why??? '

Dantae had realized and long understood that his son wouldn't get what he meant, hence he laughs and finally starts to explain.

'I will be having a series of private talks on our kingdom' s economy and such with King Ha the day before the ball.

It's not everyday that we get a chance to have a one on one talk with the most powerful man in the world isn't it?

Now..... I know about the Ha Kingdom's desperate need for trading in economy and allies. You see, their ministers are all on my side.

It seems like King YoonChul is pushing for a marriage alliance with the Lee Kingdom but I cannot let that airhead KyuJin be much powerful than me.

I heard that his youngest son has been desperately trying to court the princess.... Now the fact that they haven't made any official announcement means the princess isn't interested in him. That's why I'm telling you to wow her and sweep her off her feet.

Once you get married to her, we'll be on top of the world.... King Yoonchul will have no choice but to stick to us instead of that clingy and desperate king of the Lee Kingdom.'

Releasing a heavy sigh, Seokhoon could only glance at his father with his wide eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, Dantae grins as he stands and pats his son' s shoulders.

'I trust that you understand my favor son. Don't hesitate and doubt any longer.

A woman will always be a woman, you show up with flowers and shower them with gifts. Then you'll get a confession back almost instantaneously. '

Following suit, the prince follows behind his father freezing after Dantae halts and turns around to face his son.

With a smile, Dantae continues with a hushed whisper.

' Also, try to pace it up so we can have new family ties soon.'

Walking pass his son, the king pats the male's shoulder to exit the throne room.

But even before he could fully exit, Dantae suddenly turns around and smirks.

'Don't disappoint me this time Prince Seokhoon. I'll be counting on you to do your job well.'

Finally leaving the speechless and dejected prince alone, Seokhoon could only slump down the armchairs and massage his forehead in frustration.

Left with a mission that he knew himself was hard and complicated. Seokhoon didn't know what to do. It was either heart or duty.

Heck, Rona probably doesn't even remember him.

Who was he really?

Not to mention, there was much more to be concerned about.

For the rest of the evening, the prince would twist and turn on his bed and bury himself in the dilemma and frustrations his father had suddenly put him into.

After so many years of not seeing the princess, part of his heart had asked him to finally take the chance and introduce himself back to his longtime crush but the other part of him had this lingering feeling of guilt.

Guilt, because he knew the reason for approaching her this time was for a reason.... That reason of course included advantage for his father and kingdom.

The prince was torn, torn because he had to undertake a extremely difficult mission.

One that may go wrong in so many ways.

And hell yeah, was he right.

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now