8// Prove To The World

211 20 16

Year 1910
Lee Kingdom
Palais d'été

'Well, well as expected your highness.... You look dashing as always.'

Minhyuk smirks as he pulls the collar of his newly tailored white tunic. Turning his eyes and attention to his loyal equerry through the mirror's reflection. He speaks in a commanding tone.

'How about my request?'

Equerry Lee, Prince Lee Minhyuk's personal servant bows and nods as he replies with his bright and exaggerated voice.

'Yes, your royal highness... Pierre has received your orders and requests well. His also confirmed to me that her royal highness the Princess will be wearing a ballgown that's the same color as yours.'

Chuckling, Minhyuk nods in satisfaction turning back to let the servants help him take off the new white tunic. The prince decides that it was finally time to bring the fitting to an end. After a little bit of help here and there he swiftly changes back into his normal get-up.

Dressed back into his usual casual but still princely white long sleeved loosed top polo and a pair of leather pants. The young prince grabs his leather holster and slides his revolver into the strap. Clapping his hands, he turns his head towards Equerry Lee and speaks up.

'So tell me about the things you've heard from beyond castle walls.'

Gulping down a obvious hint of nervousness, the prince's servant nods and bows politely as he warns the free-spirited prince with a low tone.

'Your royal highness, this may be something you won't take well but since I am loyal to you only. I promised before that I would to tell you every single gossip that goes around from the townspeople.

Please endure and calm your anger down as I report to you some of the topics that went around the citizens today. '

Minhyuk could only tilt his head in confusion as he nods nonchalantly and takes a sit on the edge of his huge 4 post king sized bed.

Crossing his arms in front, Minhyuk urges his servant to continue.

' Yes, your highness.... The gossips that went on with the people today are usually the standard ones of his royal highness the Prince Kang and his marriage to her royal highness the Princess Joo....

However.... There was one that caught my ears that I couldn't just ignore. '

Scrunching his face in the delay and suspense, Minhyuk waves his hand as he replies in a annoyed voice.

' Tell me quick then.... stop beating around the bush and just say it. '

Frantically nodding and avoiding tge prince's gaze. The equerry replies in his shaky voice.

'The people say....

Her royal highness the Princess Rona will never be your wife. I heard some laugh and mock at his majesty the king.

And--- uh'

As the equerry hesitates to continue, Minhyuk grips his hands on the silk bed sheets and tries his best to control his temper. With a straight and manly voice he persistently orders his servant to continue.

'It seems that a lot of people think' that your courtship is going nowhere since her royal highness doesn't initiate any actions with you in public and also.....'

Taking a deep breathe, the Equerry simply knew... Prince Lee Minhyuk would go crazy and would not be able to control his anger after he hears the final bits of gossip.

' There's also a rumor that's going on about.... A possible marriage alliance between her royal highness the Princess Rona and the prince of the Joo Kingdom.'

And as expected, all hell breaks loose. Angered and annoyed at the statement that was said to him. Prince Minhyuk jolts up and grabs his revolver.

In a second, 2 consecutive 'boom' sounds fill the humongous renaissance style bedroom. Equerry Lee could only squeal as he covered his face with his arms.

Standing back up to check the prince, it turns out Lee Minhyuk actually shot the tall golden mirrors in a fit of rage.

Still hesitant to confront the prince, the Equerry could only politely clasp his hands together and speak in almost a whisper and airy voice.

'Please calm down your highness.... It is a simple rumor, it was my greatest mistake to report such a groundless thing to you.

Forgive my ignorance.'

Massaging his temples and breathing rather heavily. The prince could only lock up the revolver and slide it back in the holster.

It took approximately 5 minutes for Lee Minhyuk to cool and regain his senses back.

Frankly, one would wonder why no one even came to check at the sound of gunshot. It was actually a normal occurence.

Prince Lee Minhyuk had sort of this temperal problem. And to relieve his stress and pressure from being a royal prince. He was a skilled shooter and not to mention a swordsman.

It was also pretty common to see the huge mirrors being carried out of his room and replaced once in a while.

Back to the scene, Prince Minhyuk looks up at the cracked and obviously destroyed mirror. With a icy and bone-chilling glare, he speaks with his gritted teeth.

'What??? The people think Joo Seokhoon and Rona go better together. Rona doesn't even know him and his majesty the King Ha would never allow such marriage or connection to happen.

The Joo Kingdom isn't even worth a single penny even for a mere alliance.

Our parents have made a promise and I will do anything in my power to keep it. No one will get in my way.'

Looking back up towards his servant, Minhyuk stands and continues his orders.

'Equerry Lee, make sure you prepare everything perfectly.

I heard Joo Seokhoon that bastard will be attending the ball. You know I hate him for a reason.

If last time I wasn't able to make myself clear to him, this time I will.

Polish up my shoes and the medals that I will wear on that day. I want Rona and I to steal the show.

This time I'll show Joo Seokhoon.....

What's mine is only mine, he better not try to challenge me like the last time. '

And there he stood, Prince Lee Minhyuk with his arrogant smirk plastered on his face. Looking straight at a broken reflection of his face through the cracked mirror with the 2 bullets still stuck in between.

What is the connection between Prince Seokhoon and Prince Minhyuk, it might take time to understand and know the full story. But what was clear.... Is that there was a clear line of distaste and rivalry between the two.

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now