11// A Secret Deal ?

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Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

'King Dantae, I formally welcome you to my humble kingdom. Thank you very much for accepting my invitation. Even coming a day early. It must have been a tiring journey.'

Dantae chuckles and nods at the dashing King Yoonchul as he takes a sip of the hot and fragrant Ha Kingdom signature dark coffee.

' Your majesty, I should be the one thanking you for inviting my whole family here and even accommodating us in your beautiful palace.'

Scanning the huge and sparkling study. Dantae grins as his eyes land on a giant and beautifully painted canvas of the king and his family.

' You sure have beautiful and handsome children. I'm sure the Great Ha Kingdom must be proud to have such prince and princesses.'

Waving his hand at the man, Yoonchul grins proudly as he follows Dantae's gaze to the oil portrait.

'Yes, I am extremely proud of them. But I shall also commend your children. Princess Seola is simply an angel from the heavens and I've heard a great deal about your son, your majesty.'

After Yoonchul's last statement. A smirk appears on Dantae's lips. It was as if he had suddenly won the lottery.

' Speaking of my son, your majesty.... '

With his low and serious voice. Dantae clasps his hands together and rests them on his lap. Starting from there he gets on with business.

'I'm sure you have heard of the talks from here and there your majesty. But I have heard something very interesting.....'

Looking up to meet Dantae's eyes. Yoonchul hesitantly nods and asks him to continue.

'I've heard that your great kingdom is in dire need of a strong military ally..... And I come here with a wonderful solution.'

Tilting his head in questioning, Yoonchul could swear his heart hammered itself in his chest from the nervousness and anxiety collected as he continued to face and gaze at Dantae's sinister smile.

' I will not lie to you King Dantae, that is a half truth in my discussions and daily arguments with my ministers in parliament. But I have no idea as to how you got that news.'

Clapping his hands, Dantae laughs and replies in a bright voice.

'Well, I do have my ways King Yoonchul.'

Nodding and finally replying with a little gained courage. Yoonchul continues.

'So what is the exact reason as to why you suddenly brought up this topic King Dantae.'

And with that starts Joo Dantae's great business style of handling his apparent 'kingly matters'

'Don't worry too much, your majesty.

I'm all for an alliance with your kingdom. I mean who wouldn't?

But in one way will I be on full board with an deal.....

That is if we fixed up a marriage between our children.'

That was the one thing that Yoonchul had been so scared about and here it was finally coming true.

The man himself, the king of the Joo Kingdom suggesting to the king of the Great Ha Kingdom to marry their children and to become a family.

It seems like King Dantae has a knack at making people speechless. Yoonchul couldn't speak or reply, instead he sat in deep thought and of course.... A torn heart to decide what was actually the right decision for his daughter and kingdom.

Scanning YoonChul's obvious frustrated face. Dantae grins and sets down the beautiful porcelain cup earning a tud sound from the impact with the marble table.

'Do not be too pressured Yoonchul ssi.... I am not yet making a deal.

I am a very honest and straightforward man. As a father myself, I understand that you might be still thinking about it.

I apologize, it was very rude of me to suddenly bring it up. But now that you know of my decision. I would like to tell you that the deal is always on the table and the Joo Kingdom is more than happy to welcome your kingdom as an ally in the future. '

Turning his head to face the other king, Yoonchul plasters on a fake smile. Reaching his hands out, he shakes the other man' s hand and replies with a slightly shaky voice.

'Thank you very much for the kind consideration King Joo, I will make sure to think about it carefully.'

Suddenly using his other hand to pat YoonChul's wrist gently. Dantae smirks and reassures the other king.

'Don't be too concerned of our children King Ha. My son will be a very good husband in the future. His always been a secret admirer of the grand princess since they were young.

I assure you that he'll be a great match to her.

Plus.... It'll bring harmony to us and our neighboring kingdoms.... Wouldn't it? '

Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

Prince Seokhoon silently walks through the huge and long golden halls of the beautiful palace.

There were huge preparations going on here and there as the ball was to take place tomorrow.

He had accompanied his father, King Dantae to the main wing of the palace for his meeting with King Ha.

Seokhoon had opted to stay out of it and stroll the famous grand palace. Partly, it was also a hope for him to bump into the princess. The prince had planned to reapproach her and finally formally introduce himself since there was still the mission that his father had given him.

But to his huge disappointment, he had found out from one of the servants that the princess wasn't in the kingdom and had went to another kingdom.

Dejected and a goner, the prince walks the long hallways until he reaches a dead end and meets a beautifully painted solo portrait of the beautiful wide eyed princess that he met once upon a time when he was just five.

Silently adoring the features of her beautiful face, he internally compliments the painter for a wonderful job done and adores the way the princess has matured over the few years.

Indeed, did she blossom and grow to become a beautiful woman.

Never would the cold and handsome prince thought..... That he would have fell in too deep at the age of 5.

He is kinda crazy if you think about it but that's just him being human. Never would he knew.... That his 5 year old crush would become his only love even as he turns 25.

'What are you doing here?'

Jumping from the sudden voice from behind. Prince Seokhoon's eyes changes instantly , as he turns around he coldly glares at the person and tilts his head.

'Joo Seokhoon.... It's been a long time.'

Notes :

Yesssss..... New AU, that I've been working so hard on.

No Seokro yet? Sorry, it's coming in the next chapters. This isn't super angst angst. But we still need angst to spice up a story.

Remember, it's a love triangle fic so expect Minhyuk more since it's literally stated in the title.

I hope you all will like this cause I'm honestly so scared and not satisfied.

Anyway Happy Reading and love y'all 😭💖😍💐

-Author Dengie aka Danielle 🍑

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