12// The Battle Of 2 Princes

346 30 13

Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

'What are you doing here?'

Jumping from the sudden voice from behind him. Prince Seokhoon's eyes changes instantly , as he turns around he coldly glares at the person and tilts his head.

'Joo Seokhoon.... It's been a long time.'

There was a thick and tensed silence that took over the hallway as the 2 individuals stared.... No, glared at each other.

Eventually, Prince Seokhoon plasters on a civil smile and replies with his low and cold voice.

' Lee Minhyuk!!! I could say the same thing. I didn't also expect to see you here.'

Smirking almost sarcastically, Prince Minhyuk clasps his hands together and returns a icy glare to the other male.

'Eiiii!!! You should answer my question first. Isn't it a bit too rude to greet me like that.

After all....

We haven't seen each other in such a long time. Is that the way you greet a friend? Geez.... I kinda missed you though.'

As Lee Minhyuk laughs, The clear discomfort and annoyance was still evident on Prince Seokhoon's face. Forcing a fake smile, Seokhoon nods and steps forward to pat the other prince' s shoulder slightly startling him.

'You're right.... I apologize

It's been such a long time Prince Minhyuk. To answer your question... I've came to accompany my father. Apparently he has something important to discuss with his majesty the King Ha.'

At Seokhoon's answer, Minhyuk freezes and secretly tightens his fists.

This of course, doesn't go unnoticed by Seokhoon as he smirks in victory after realizing he succeeded in ticking the prince off.

Deciding it was probably time for him to head back, Seokhoon chuckles almost sarcastically and pats the male's shoulders.

'See you tomorrow Lee Minhyuk, I look forward to meeting your brothers again. Send my regards to them.'

As Prince Seokhoon starts to walk away, Prince Minhyuk recovers and manages to push away the boiling feeling of annoyance and speaks up abruptly stopping the other prince on his tracks.

' I see your father's starting yet another cheap move to try and leech off others again.'

Seokhoon could feel the anger and annoyance brewing inside him. But as he tried to endure his facial expressions, the prince turns back around and crosses eyes with the other male.

This time a cold and dark glare illuminates his face as Prince Minhyuk smirks sarcastically and continues speaking while gripping on the gold handle of his sword.

'Why? Are you offended?

Eiiii, don't be too obvious Joo Seokhoon.... Your father also did this to my dad 20 years ago, remember?

There's also no need to be shy but I have a bad news for you... I feel bad for King Dantae but His Majesty the King of the Ha Kingdom will never allow anything to happen. His already promised the hand of his precious daughter to me. '

Walking forward and nearing Joo Seokhoon, Lee Minhyuk's sarcastic smile quickly switches from smiley and mischievous to a cold and obviously unfriendly glare.

Leaning forward to whisper beside Prince Seokhoon's ear. Lee Minhyuk probably had the most serious expression plastered on his face.

'Don't even try to do anything funny....

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now