10// Unable To Reject & Hurt

222 20 19

Year 1910
Lee Kingdom
Palais d'été

'Sister in law!!! How was the night? Did Minhyuk try to break into your bedroom last night?'

Kang snickers as he jokingly comments to the princess who appeared suddenly from the huge doors.

It was yet another sunny and hot day on the beautiful Lee Kingdom. The Lee brothers had been riding their horses as a way of warm up and exercise after waking up early in the morning.

In fact, it was a day before the huge birthday ball for the youngest princess of the Ha Kingdom.

But due to the close ties of the Ha and Lee royal families. Rona had decided to stay at the Lee kingdom two days before the huge event.

This may also be due to the fact that Rona would eventually have to arrive at the ball with Minhyuk. Since technically he was her escort.

Back at the scene in the huge lawn of the palace. Rona chuckles at the elder Lee brother and shakes her head.

'If he did, I would have kicked him in the face. Prince Minhyuk wouldn't dare touch me since he knows what's in for him if he dares to even lay his fingers on me.'

As Dohyun and Kang laugh their lungs off, Rona chuckles at the two brothers' hilarious reactions. Not even noticing a figure approaching her from behind.

Silently and swiftly, Prince Minhyuk grins and grabs the oblivious princess' waist wrapping her in a back hug.

Startled but unfazed, Rona giggles and gently taps the prince to let her go. Instead of doing what she wanted as per their usual banter, Minhyuk looks around and notices the peering eyes of the servants.

Suddenly remembering the few words exchanged with his servant on the few gossips a few days ago. Something inside him triggers and instead of letting the princess go, the prince tightens his grip on her waist and leans forward to do something he had never done before.

Shocking everyone who was present in the huge lawn, Prince Lee Minhyuk boldly leans forward  and reaches to peck the princess's lips.

Due to the sudden public display of affection, Rona's eyes widen as she gazes at her best friend's chocolate orbs with pure horror and shock.

Of course, everyone tries to go on with their business but the mood of the morning quickly turns tensed and awkward.

Minhyuk could only stand there with the princess in his arms gazing at her in complete silence and maybe.... Shock from his own actions.


Finally snapping out of her thoughts and recovering from the shock. Rona quickly escapes from the prince's grip. Acting out of shock, Rona steps on her childhood friend's foot and raises her voice at him.

' Ya!!!! You jerk, how dare you do that....Run quickly or else I'm so gonna kill you.'

Minhyuk literally starts to run amidst the teasing from his brothers as the princess chases him across the lawn.

Despite, the sudden awkward move. Rona was still considerate and mature about it.

Instead of getting mad and angry at her best friend. The princess chose to play it cool and take her best friend's move as a joke.

After calming down and forcing the prince to kneel and hilariously apologize.

The Lee brothers, Rona, Princess Seola with the addition of one of their closest childhood friends Princess Jenny of the small but beautiful Yoo Kingdom. Settled on the beautiful garden's terrace and fell into a series of converstions in preparation for the big event the following day.

'I heard that Dohyun oppa will be escorting the woman of the night tomorrow?'

Princess Jenny asks as the other royals drank their tea and focused their attention towards the eldest prince.

With a slightly obvious shade of crimson appearing on his cheeks. Prince Dohyun tries to brush the topic off with a little wave of his hands. But apparently his brothers weren't on the same wavelength as him.

Prince Minhyuk was first to comment. With a mischievous smirk and teasing tone he speaks up.

'Hyung has finally decided to man up.... You better confess your feelings tomorrow.'

Interjecting to join in on the teasing. Prince Kang comments with a grin on his face.

'Think about it hyung!!!! It's Eunbyeol's special day tomorrow. What better way to finally tell her you also like her than waltzing with her and escaping to the gardens for a romantic and beautiful confession.'

Already beet red, Princess Seola comes to Dohyun's rescue as she calms her husband and brother in law down with a little friendly scolding.

' Rona yah, I saw your gown a while ago. It looks beautiful, I'm sure you'll also be the center of attention tomorrow.'

Seola compliments the princess who sat in silence in between the eldest and youngest prince's.

Looking up at the elder princess. Rona smiles and silently thanks the female.

Yet again, Minhyuk chuckles and boldly decides to take the female's hands in his.

But before Rona could even brush him off or reject his advances. Minhyuk proceeds to speak in a bright voice.

'Of course, she'll look perfect noona!!!
I personally ordered Master Pierre to use his most precious and exquisite fabrics to design a beautiful ballgown that would fit Rona's natural beauty and my dashing physique.'

From the side, the 2 princes struggle to contain the cringe from Minhyuk's usual arrogant rant and even fake gags to annoy their youngest brother.

With an annoyed expression plastered on his face. Minhyuk rolls his eyes and waves his hands to brush off the teasing of his elder brothers.

'Yeah, yeah go ahead laugh your asses off.'

Clutching Rona's hands in his. Minhyuk smiles at the female and replies with a affectionate and mischievous tone.

'Tomorrow, I shall prove to the world that we'll be an amazing power couple in the future. Don't worry too much Rona yah.'

As the terrace drowns in laughter. Rona smiles at her friend and looks away.

With the Lee siblings and the two princesses chatting and laughing about random whatnots.

Rona silently gazes at the sky to avoid the gazes of the others. With that, there suddenly came the reappearance of the familiar sad smile that once again taints her beautiful face.

Deja vu to the day she spoke with Seola and Eunbyeol about not being able to return Minhyuk's feelings.

And although the princess thought no one had saw her expression. From across her, Princess Jenny caught and saw everything.

With nothing to say or do, Jenny could only gaze sympathetically at her best friend and also look at her in envy.

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now