13// Meeting The Lads

441 20 14

Year 1910
The Great Ha Kingdom
Palais de la rêverie

' King Yoonchul, I would like you to meet my one and only son.

Seokhoon!!! What are you doing? You should greet his majesty.'

Without a second to waste, Seokhoon smiles politely and bows greeting the other king.

'I apologize for greeting you just now. Let me please formally introduce myself.

I am Joo Seokhoon of the Joo Kingdom. It is a huge honor to finally meet you, your majesty.'

Scanning Seokhoon for a few seconds, Yoonchul's lips soon curve up into a charismatic and fatherly smile. Reaching out to pat the tall prince, he chuckles and speaks with his bright voice.

' So you are King Dantae's son, It's very nice to meet the famous prince of the Joo Kingdom physically.

Your father has told me a lot of nice things about you as did your eldest sister Princess Seola.

Looking at you now, you are indeed your father's son. Very dashing and handsome, a perfect prince.'

Turning his head to Dantae, Yoonchul nods and chuckles as he compliments his son.

'You must have many admirers.'

Seokhoon could only smile and bow to silently thank the elder king whilst his father laugh and thank Yoonchul with pride laced on his voice.

All this unfolded as Lee Minhyuk silently watched from beside Seokhoon.

Eventually, King Yoonchul looks up and remembers about the other male's existence. Pointing his hands to the other prince, everyone's attention soon shifts to the male beside Seokhoon.

'Oh and you must know Prince Lee Minhyuk since you are technically family.'

Dantae didn't even really bother to hide the slight distaste he had as he nonchalantly nods and scans the other prince from top to bottom.

'Ah yes!!! How could I not know him. His my son-in-law' s younger brother.

But.... What brings you here to the Ha Kingdom? Did King Lee come with you? '

Although Minhyuk also hated his elder brother's father in law, considering that he was still a king. The prince knew he still had to be polite and respectful.

Shaking his head and bowing to acknowledge Dantae. Prince Minhyuk smiles and looks straight at Yoonchul.

'Greetings to both your majesties, I apologize for disrupting your conversation.

My father has sent me to leave this with you.... your majesty.

He didn't want to be a bother and hand it to you while we would be celebrating Princess Eunbyeol's ball tomorrow hence he sent me in advance to relay this to you. '

Handing Yoonchul a beautiful parchment envelope sealed with a beautiful dark maroon wax seal. The beautiful coat of arms of the Lee Kingdom simply shined and sparkled as it was basically stamped on with little gold flakes.

Yoonchul smiles and pats Minhyuk's arm. But after a few seconds he suddenly looks up at Dantae and decides to get rid of the tension in the air by suggesting the most awkward thing ever.

'How about we go back in and I'll treat you all gentlemen to my wife's signature coffee.

It's still early isn't it? I have tons of spare time today. Come and have some to drink before you all go.'

Coup De Foudre // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona (feat. Lee Minhyuk) AU 🌃🌌🌙Where stories live. Discover now