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Mitchell's long fingers wrapped around my wrist as he hooked on the last two charms of our trip on my gold bracelet. The first one resembled a locket with a cutout of a tree, the second was a diamond infinity charm.

"This represents our time spent in Costa Blanca," Mitchell mused as he opened the locket charm that had the words, 'Family Forever' engraved on the inside. "A family tree to remind you that your roots go back to Costa Blanca and wherever you are, you'll always have a piece of home there."

I lovingly smiled, held onto his face, and turned his head to face me. "You can be really perfect when you want to be."

"I know," Mitchell smugly grinned and half shrugged which made me roll my eyes. His smile faded and he stared affectionately into my eyes. "Have you ever considered that you bring out this side in me? So, instead of complimenting me, you should praise yourself."

I knew Mitchell was being humble, he was perfect in every way and I grew to love him more and more. But if he wanted to put it on me, I'd happily agree. "Well," I drawled. "I can't argue with that, it's the Mila effect," I grinned widely and winked.

Mitchell playfully pinched my cheek and I admired the indents in his cheeks as he smiled. "The Mila effect."

I turned my attention to the sparkly infinity sign. "What's this one for?"

"To remind you that infinity is sort of –"

"Like forever," I completed his sentence with a ghost of a grin on my face.

It was weird how little things Mitchell and I shared like an infinity sign for example affiliated with a memory that made us nostalgic. When Mitchell and I visited The Grand Canyon, he purchased a bracelet from one of the villages and it donned an infinity sign. I didn't have the bracelet on at that moment but it was one of the things I frequently wore.

"I thought it was a perfect hiatus charm to remind you that you're kind of stuck with me... for a very long time," Mitchell softly said.

I groaned under my breath and dramatically said, "curse my luck!"

Mitchell raised a brow. "you're saying this? I'm the one that's tortured ninety percent of the time."

"What happened to the other ten?"

"You're either asleep, being adorable or moaning my name," Mitchell replied with a cocky grin.

With a suppressed smile I lightly slapped his arm. "I will turn that figure to a hundred very quickly."

Mitchell chuckled, pulled me to his chest, and kissed the top of my head. "You can't torture a masochist."

"Oh?" Surprise edged my voice and I pulled away to glance at him. "I never took you for a masochist."

Mitchell sighed, "when it comes to you, I'm fucking done for." He shook his head and feigned a look of defeat, "and in case you haven't noticed, I can never say no nor stay mad at you for long."

He had a point, I appreciated him and everything he did for me. There was no one else better for me than my Bitchell, he made me happier than he could've ever imagined – he was home.

I softly laughed and lifted my brows twice. "It's the –"

"Mila effect," Mitchell completed my sentence. "I know and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I cupped Mitchell's cheek and brushed my lips against his. "Thank you for the bracelet, charms, and... just everything."

Mitchell's eyes sparkled as he wholeheartedly smiled. "Anything for you, you know that." He lifted my wrist to his mouth and placed a kiss over the soft skin. "This bracelet isn't near as complete as I want it to be, many more adventures await us."

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