I Trusted You Too

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"Wake up."

My head felt as if it were splitting in two. My eyelids must've had some sort of weight on them because I couldn't lift them. My body felt limp and constrained – I wanted to move but couldn't.

"It's been almost twenty-four hours, why isn't she awake?" A familiar yet foreign voice echoed in my ears. "I told you not to kill her!"

The coherent voice turned into distant echoes, and I slipped into unconsciousness again. My mind felt at ease after a long time, and I easily welcomed sleep.

I wasn't sure how long I was asleep but when my eyes eventually opened, it was pitch black. My muscles ached and my head throbbed. My mouth was very dry and when I tried to swallow, my throat burned.

"Hello," I croaked. "Where am I?"

I tried to stand but I couldn't move my legs or hands. I shuffled and realized I was on a chair with my ankles and wrists tied.

What the hell happened?

It hurt to think but I did my best to recollect what happened. Memories flashed in my mind in bits and pieces and like a puzzle, I had to put them together. The last thing I remembered was getting hit on the head and then everything went black.

I panicked when the realization that I was in possible danger hit me. I shuffled more urgently to try and get out of the chair, but the knots were very tight. I wanted to scream but thought I'd attract attention to myself if whoever put me there was outside.

I was anxious and my heart raced but I took deep breaths to remain calm. I twisted and turned my wrists to try and get loose. Just as I thought I got some progress, I felt something scratch my ankle.

I froze and heard a soft squeak and realized that some kind of animal, probably a rat, was in this dark place with me. Without a second thought, I let out the loudest scream and freaked out. I kicked my legs as much as I could and in the process, the chair fell, and I landed on my side.

I felt a sharp pain spread from the side of my body all through to my rib cage. My cheek was flat against an ice-cold floor, and I felt something like a tail touch the exposed part of my ankle.

"Help me!" I screamed my lungs out.

Just then a door opened, and I squinted my eyes at the bright light. My face felt hot even though the temperature had to have been below zero in the confined room.

"Finally," a familiar voice spoke. "You're awake."

I tried to see who the voice belonged to but because of the restriction on my limbs, I couldn't move. Thankfully, the rat that was trying to eat my leg ran off.

I saw two large boots in front of me and in one swift movement, the chair was lifted. My hair covered my eyes and all I saw was a face and light hair. I blew strands of hair out of my face to get a clearer look but wasn't very successful.

Just then a sweet scent lingered around my nose and soft hands moved the hair out of my face. My eyes still hadn't adjusted to the light and with the headache and dizziness, my sight wasn't one hundred percent clear.

"Merry Christmas, Mila," the voice spoke. "I thought you were dead for a while."

I gulped and licked my chapped lips as the familiar voice became more distinct. I opened my eyes wider and like layers peeling away, the face became clearer.

I let out the biggest breath of relief when I stared into two blue eyes. "Kelsey," I breathed. "Thank God. I don't know what happened, but someone put me here. Please help me get out. I need –"

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