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If there was one thing I didn't miss about Mitchell, it was how much of a morning person he was. We only fell asleep after four am and it felt like I was asleep for only two seconds when Mitchell stirred in his sleep and slowly peeled away from me to get up.

"Hmm," I groggily groaned and tapped the bed until I found Mitchell. Thankfully he didn't get too far, I popped open one eye and he lay on his back beside me with his eyes wide open. "No," I muttered, rolled over, threw my leg over his waist, and snuggled my face in the crook of his neck. "For once don't be a rooster and sleep in with me."

Mitchell wrapped an arm around me, nestled his face in my hair, and took in a deep breath. "Did I disturb you?"

"Hmm," I hummed in a half-asleep state. "Why do you need to get up so early?"

"It's eight am," Mitchell pointed out in a gruff morning voice.

"So early...stay," I muttered. 

"Okay," Mitchell softly muttered and kissed my temple. "Only for a few more minutes."

Why does he hate sleep so much?

"Do you hate sleeping with me or just sleep in general?" I asked.

"Neither," Mitchell replied. "I love sleeping with you and if I didn't have a flight to catch, I would've stayed in bed with you for as long as you wanted."

It took my half asleep mind a few seconds to decipher his words, as far as I recalled, it was currently Friday morning which meant the beginning of the weekend. I was under the impression Mitchell was to spend the entire weekend with me... unless he meant a flight to New York.

My eyelids felt sticky as I tried to open them and lifted my head to look at Mitchell. I squinted my eyes and blinked a few times before his handsome face was clear. "Flight?" I asked. "To?"

Mitchell brushed unruly strands of hair out of my face and the slightly sullen look he wore almost fully woke me. Mitchell pursed his lips and shook his head, "LA."

My brows furrowed and I stared at him in confusion for a moment. "But it's Friday... I thought you'd spend the weekend..."

Mitchell wore an apologetic look and remained silent for a second too long before he took in a breath. "I wish but because I was off work yesterday and will spend a lot of today traveling, I have to catch up this weekend."

"But why this weekend?" I asked softly and couldn't keep the disappointment out of my tone. 

Mitchell searched my eyes for a long moment. "It's not about this weekend, I took a lot of time off for our trip without knowing there's a huge project that awaited me."

For some reason, it sounded as if he regretted going on the trip. "I didn't ask to go on a trip, it was your idea."

Mitchell frowned and took a moment before he responded. "Where is this coming from? I never implied that the trip was your idea. I'm happy that we went and were able to spend time together."

Stop overthinking, Mila, or we're going to fight.

I shook my head, took in a breath, half grinned, and cupped his cheek. "I do too but I also wish you didn't have to leave so soon."

Mitchell placed his large hand over mine and brought my fingers to his lips. "Me too," he whispered and pressed a gentle kiss over my fingers.

"Then stay," I probably came off as whiny but this weekend was special and I was almost convinced Mitchell planned on staying until Sunday. 

Mitchell huffed and looked away from me for a second before he met my gaze. "Don't do this, it's difficult enough to leave than to have you look at me like that."

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