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I stood in my spot dumbfounded, I couldn't believe Mitchell just walked away without as much as an explanation of who that woman was. I accepted that I played a role in our ugly fight but Mitchell made things worse by leaving.

The lump in my throat grew and my vision blurred with tears. I didn't think I was entirely out of line by asking for an explanation and not once did I accuse him of infidelity yet he acted out that way. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks as I stood immobile and stared at the front door. I didn't know why I was surprised that he walked away during a fight because he'd done that many times before but it was the first time since... since he called me his Milo.

A small part of me wanted to run after him to make him talk this out like mature adults but I also refused to move because this time he was more wrong than me. We weren't perfect but, despite how I felt when I saw the text, I did my best to stay calm and address the situation maturely. Mitchell heard Leo lived in the same building as me and lost his cool immediately.

I understood that I should've told him about Leo but if I had the chance to, I would've. Mitchell had been so busy lately that there were times I felt like a burden to him just for talking over the phone. If I thought about it, there was a slight shift in our relationship and it was mainly because of distance and lack of communication.

My mind played out our argument and I understood why it might've come off that I didn't trust him. But he completely disregarded how I told him that I trusted him just before our fight and straight away got defensive. I wasn't an expert on human behavior but knew enough to understand that when someone got overly defensive, they were guilty of something.

Mitchell refused to explain his relationship with Kelsey Campbell, instead, he pointed fingers and turned our argument into something else entirely. This was unlike the Mitchell I spent the last two months with, I thought he made progress in terms of his temper and relationship ethic. In Orlando, he was so understanding and completely honest without any questions so I had no idea what happened to him today.

Could this new person who goes by the name of Kelsey Campbell have brought about this change? Is there something more there that he doesn't want to tell me out of guilt? Is that why he rushed here to relieve some of his guilt? Is that why before we could even talk, he pounced me like a gorilla on heat? Was that a way to make himself feel better for what might've possibly happened in Miami?

My mind was my number one enemy at that moment. I shook away baseless thoughts and figured there was no point in torturing myself over questions that I was never going to get answered. With a shaky breath, I glanced once more at the door with a slight hope that Mitchell would've walked back in but after a minute too long, I knew it was futile.

"He ended it..." More tears rolled down my cheeks as I dragged my feet to the couch. "He ended us," I choked out as I sat down, pulled my knees to my chest, and buried my face in my palms.

I hated how pathetic and upset I felt over this, not only did it hurt that he walked out without explaining his actions, he let me down... again. The way I felt reminded me that Mitchell wasn't perfect and was very much capable of inflicting pain as he was loving me. It took me back to the time he left after my accident; I knew Dad had a huge role to play in that but Mitchell wasn't innocent either.

My chest felt heavy and I tried my best not to break down, although the tears still fell. I couldn't stop playing back our fight, I couldn't believe Mitchell called me toxic and compared me to Liza. I tried my best to understand the situation but he blew it out of proportion and typically walked away. Only this time, it might've been for good.

My thoughts were put to a halt when I heard my phone ring, a small ray of hope filled my heart and I quickly sat straight and searched for my phone. As I rummaged my fingers over the soft fabric of the sofa in search of the ringing device, my heart raced in hopes that Mitchell's name flashed on the screen.

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