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Mitchell's POV

The last week had to have been the longest yet shortest week of my life. It was finally Friday evening and I was exhausted. I thought the first week back at work would've been more relaxed but my dad didn't hold back, I was at the office before eight every morning and only reached home twelve hours later. 

I spent one night at the beach house in Malibu but my whipped ass found the place too silent and lonely so from the next day onward, I stayed at my parents' place. It worked out better because Dad and I were busy with a huge project and we worked after hours at the home office as well. Mom wasn't too pleased but she understood, however, work talk was not allowed at the dining table.

It was finally Friday and for the first time that week, I got home before five pm. I loosened my tie and unwound my neck as I took slow steps through the entrance hall, towards the staircase. I planned to take a shower, have dinner and then call it a night. My phone vibrated just before I was able to drag myself upstairs, I wouldn't have bothered to check but it had been hours since I last heard from Mila and it made me anxious and a little angsty.

Disappointment settled in as I stared at a work email and the last text I sent Mila still sat on delivered. I knew it was her brothers' graduation and she attended the ceremony with her family so she was a little busy but not so much that she couldn't reply in over five hours. 

I brushed off my baseless thoughts and blamed it on sleep deprivation and hunger, I knew Mila would text or call as she soon as she could. I missed her way too much and that added to my foul mood. 

"Hey honey, you're finally back," Mom's voice stopped me in my tracks. 

"Yeah," I ran a hand over my face. "I was just headed to take a shower and then I'll be down for dinner."

A small frown grew over Mom's forehead. "You're eating at home tonight?"

"Yeah, like always," I half grinned. "You know I love your cooking."

It's not like I have a date to dine out with. 

"What about Faith's birthday?" Mom asked. "Are you not going anymore?"

"Sh-crap!" I shut my eyes and threw my head back. "I forgot all about that," I paused and sighed, "I'd be a terrible friend if I bailed at the last minute, eh?"

"Terrible and Mitch can't go together," Mom sweetly smiled. "But it would look bad if you canceled at the eleventh hour for your best friend's wife's birthday and their house warming dinner."

"I know," I breathed. "But I'm so tired, I wanted an early night," I whined like a kid.

"Is Dad overworking you? Do I need to have a word with him?" Mom's tone was soft but I knew if I said something, she'd definitely have a word with Dad. 

"No, don't do that, I'm not a kid anymore," I shook my head and smiled at how she always had my best interest at heart. "I just need to get out of vacation mode and back into my normal routine."

"You're always going to be my baby," Mom caressed my arm and lovingly smiled.

"Doc," Mom's attention diverted as Dad walked into the room, buttoning the cuffs of his shirt before he placed his hand on the small of mom's back, "You're ready to go?"

I just noticed that my parents were a little too dressed up for a Friday night in, Mom wore makeup, and Dad's hair was neatly brushed back. "Are you guys going out?" 

"Your mom finally has the weekend off in what feels like forever so I'm taking her on a date," Dad replied while mom coyly smiled. 

Despite being married for over twenty-five years, my parents were still so in love with each other. I learned a lot from them because their relationship wasn't always smooth sail, even while growing up I vaguely recalled how tough it was sometimes with Mom's crazy work schedule. 

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